Wat is Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM – Een introductie

Heeft u als ICT partner ooit de mogelijkheid overwogen om Microsoftoplossingen toe te voegen aan uw huidige productportfolio? Of biedt u al Microsoftoplossingen aan, maar wilt u deze uitbreiden met extra CRM functionaliteiten? Nu is het moment.

Met Dynamics 365 heeft Microsoft een nieuwe generatie zakelijke apps gelanceerd waarin CRM en ERP functionaliteiten volledig zijn gebundeld. Maar wat is Dynamics 365 precies en welke mogelijkheden biedt deze oplossing voor u als partner?

In dit webinar praten wij u bij over deze nieuwe cloud-oplossing van Microsoft. En vertellen wij u welke kansen Dynamics 365 als CRM oplossing biedt voor het MKB.


  • Wat is Microsoft Dynamics 365 en de CRM oplossing in het bijzonder?
  • Waar staan de verschillende CRM modules binnen het Dynamics 365 platform?
  • Productdemonstratie: De kracht van Dynamics 365 CRM.


(Microsoft) resellers op zoek naar nieuwe groeimogelijkheden.


Na afloop van dit webinar weet u wat Dynamics 365 CRM voor uw klanten kan betekenen, wat de kracht is van het Dynamics 365 platform en welke mogelijkheden er zijn om het Microsoft platform maximaal te benutten.

Dynamics 365 Update Webcast

Get the latest insights from Dynamics 365 and get inspired by QBS Group.

This series of webcasts is intended to share the latest information on Microsoft Dynamics 365, Power Platform, CRM and related ISV solutions, both from a technical, functional and business perspective. Along the year we will keep you informed about the latest news from Microsoft biggest events like Microsoft Inspire, Directions ASIA, North America and EMEA.

Besides sharing information, we will also update you on the services portfolio from QBS Group.
After each presentation, there is room for questions and discussion.

We hope you find it helpful and visit often.

When signing up you will be notified when the next webinar takes place. Please note, that these webcasts are not identical, we will build upon along the way with knowledge as it becomes available from Microsoft, from our ISV’s and of course from out our side.

Target audience

Business owners and Technical people



January 2022 13:00 – 14:00 CET
24 February 2022 13:00 – 14:00 CET
31 March 2022 13:00 – 14:00 CET
28 April 2022 13:00 – 14:00 CET
26 May 2022 13:00 – 14:00 CET
30 June 2022 13:00 – 14:00 CET
29 September 2022 13:00 – 14:00 CET
27 October 2022 13:00 – 14:00 CET
24 November 2022 13:00 – 14:00 CET


13:00 – 13:20 – Dynamics 365 Business Central update – William van Voorthuijsen
13:20 – 13:40 – Dynamics 365 CRM and Power Platform update – Chris Parkes


William van Voorthuijsen
William van Voorthuijsen
Dynamics 365 Business Central Partner Technical Strategics
Chris Parkes
Chris Parkes
Dynamics 365 CRM and Power Platform specialist

QBS Marketplace & ExtensionsAgent Webinar

Join us for a 1-hour webinar on QBS Marketplace – your platform for making money on your IP
“Why another marketplace?” we hear you ask – and that is a very fair point – the market is crawling with marketplaces…

At QBS we are always taking our partners challenges serious and our continuous focus is to help you grow your revenue and lower your costs. That’s why we had to react when we learned that partners, owning IP or dedicated ISV partners, have a hard time really monetizing their solutions. On top of that, it’s also become clear that a solution built with Extensions on top of Business Central SaaS is vulnerable to misuse. We couldn’t have that. That’s why we’re extremely excited to introduce our QBS Marketplace with the built-in ExtensionAgent, providing a secure and flexible way for you to offer your IP to the reselling channel and their customers.

Reach out to the biggest Microsoft channel of Business applications partners and fastest-growing installed base of Business Central SaaS customers.


QBShare – Het evenement voor Microsoft Dynamics Partners

We nodigen u van harte uit voor ons QBShare Online event op dinsdag 9 en woensdag 10 november. Wat zijn de belangrijkste ontwikkelingen voor u als Microsoft partner? Samen met Microsoft gaan wij, gedurende een reeks ochtendsessies en een middagsessie, u inspireren en informeren over de laatste trends en ontwikkelingen rond Microsoft Dynamics 365 en het Microsoft Power Platform.

QBShare is het event voor onze QBS Group members en is interessant om te volgen voor alle medewerkers in verschillende rollen, zoals: Sales, Development, Consultancy en Management.  Het thema voor deze QBShare is dan ook Together Again.  En omdat we het belangrijk vinden, dat zoveel mogelijk collega’s de mogelijkheid krijgen om onze zo hoog gewaarde kennissessies te volgen, worden de QBShare kennissessies u online aangeboden.


PROGRAMMA – Dinsdag 9 november 2021


9:00 – 10:00
Dynamics 365 en Power Platform Update
Michel van den Brink is een van ons meest geprezen presenters. Tijdens deze sessie zal Michel u meenemen in de wereld van Microsoft PowerPlatform. U wordt geïnformeerd over de laatste ontwikkelingen en interessante toepassingen. Ook in deze sessie wordt u bijgepraat over de laatste ontwikkeling op het gebied van Dynamics 365 Sales en in het bijzonder Customer Engagement.
michel van den brink
Michel van den Brink – Microsoft Dynamics 365 Expert – QBS Group
10:00 – 10:30
Wat je als Dynamics 365 partner moet weten over Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams zal een steeds belangrijker rol gaan spelen bij onze dagelijkse werkzaamheden en de inzet van Business Apps. Teams is meer dan alleen videobellen. Michel Bouman neemt u mee tijdens deze sessie in de missie en visie van Microsoft rond Teams. En hij legt uit wat dit gaat betekenen voor de integratie van Microsoft Dynamics 365 en Low code Apps.
Michel Bouman
Michel Bouman – Sr. Channel Sales for Microsoft Teams – Microsoft

PROGRAMMA – Woensdag 10 november 2021


9:00 – 10:00
Dynamics 365 Business Central Update
Een van onze best gewaarde sessies tijdens het QBShare event is onze Dynamics 365 Business Central update sessie. Tijdens deze sessie zal William u informeren over de laatste ontwikkelingen rond Dynamics 365 Business Central met de allerlaatste updates gepresenteerd tijdens het Dynamics partner event van het jaar: Directions EMEA 2021.

William van Voorthuijsen – Technical Services Lead – QBS Group
10:00 – 11:00
SPECIAL – Strategic Q&A with Microsoft

We zijn heel enthousiast, want het is ons gelukt om Jannik Bausager en Dmitry Chadayev exclusief uit te nodigen voor onze QBShare. Tijdens deze sessie gaan ze verder in op uw specifieke vragen over Dynamics 365 Business Central. Uw vraag kunt u eenvoudig stellen in het aanmeldformulier voor deze QBShare.
Microsoft QBShare 2021

ISV PROGRAMMA – Woensdag 10 november 2021

ISV’s gaan een steeds belangrijker rol spelen in de zoektocht naar de beste oplossingen voor uw klant. Tijdens dit speciale programma krijgt elke ISV een kwartier de tijd om hun belangrijkste updates te delen. Deze informatie is van belang voor u als partner, om zo de beste ISV-oplossing voor uw klanten te selecteren.
Noteer het tijdslot van uw ISV van keuze, zodat u kunt inloggen op uw gewenste moment.

Van Tot Sessie
13:00 13:15 Help jullie klanten met de geïntegreerde kassaoplossing LS Express meer te verkopen.
LS Express van Ls Retail is een online kassaoplossing speciaal gebouwd voor retailers. Het is een kosten effectieve oplossing met alle functionaliteit die nodig is om makkelijk jullie klanten te helpen. De oplossing is als extensie gebouwd voor Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central en past perfecte voor kleinere detailhandels klanten, groothandel en productiebedrijven die een kassa zoeken om via een ander verkoopkanaal hun klanten te kunnen bedienen.  Meer informatie op de QBS marketplace here
13:15 13:30 Cloud Contact Center as a Service by Solgari
Empowering small businesses to reach and be reached by their customers on any channel, fully integrated with D365 and compliant out-of-the-box.
13:30 13:45 DocuFlow Generator: Documenten genereren vanuit Business Central, zonder code of RDLC
Genereer eenvoudig en snel professionele documenten met deze out of the box documentoplossing van Documizers.
13:45 14:00 Makkelijk rapporteren in Excel
Makkelijk rapporteren in Excel: Hoe kan je gemakkelijk rapportages maken vanuit NAV/BC in Excel met behulp van de Jet Reports add in.
14:00 14:15 Explore the financial services add-ons for Business Central for small and midsized customers
We have developed new solutions for microlenders, small leasing or rental companies. Let us introduce you 2 our apps – Loans Express and Rental Express.
14:15 14:30 Powerblox
Verkoop meer, verminder de complexiteit en laat uw bedrijf sneller groeien. Ontdek hoe u met deze 45 Powerblox-apps meer efficiëntie én nieuwe functionaliteiten kan toevoegen aan uw dagelijkse activiteiten.
14:30 14:45 365MyWay
Stelt u zich eens voor, een branche specifieke oplossing in slecht 15 minuten gereed.
14:45 15:00 Sana: het B2B e-commerce platform voor productiebedrijven, distributeurs en groothandelaren
Heeft u zich ooit afgevraagd hoe u uw klantrelaties dezelfde ervaring kan bieden die ze offline van u gewend zijn?
15:00 15:15 Blue10 ontzorgt Dynamics partners volledig op het gebied van digitale factuurverwerking bij hun klanten
Blue10 automatiseert, geeft context en inzicht aan bedrijven om volledig ‘in control’ te zijn van hun administratie. Waarbij we Dynamics partners ontzorgen op het gebied van implementatie en support.
15:15 15:30 BIRDS: Uncage deep Power BI insights. Simplified.
Learn how BIRDS and our prefilled content packs enable you to set up your customer’s performance dashboards in hours, not days.
15:30 15:45 Hikari de PowerPlatform specialist
Ziet u nieuwe kansen met het PowerPlatform oplossing van Microsoft, maar mist u nog de kennis en ervaring? Hikari kan u als partner helpen.
15:45 16:00 Advanced-Forms voor BC en voor CE
De volledig geïntegreerde SaaS oplossing voor documenten opmaak, print, e-mailen en archiveren. Zelfs toevoegen van ontbrekende velden kan zonder een ontwikkelaar dit maakt Advanced-Forms unique in de markt.


Blijf op de hoogte van het actuele programma en volg onze updates op LinkedIn en Yammer.
Heeft u vragen of speciale verzoeken, dan kunt u deze mailen naar: svleeuwen@qbsgroup.com

QBShare UK Online!

We cordially invite you to our QBShare Online event taking place on Friday, December 4th 

The agenda is jam-packed with top-of-mind subjects led by QBS and Microsoft experts. We will also invite some of our partners to share great stories from the front-line.

Time Presenter Topic Duration
10:00  Will McIntee Welcome and vision 30 mins
10:30  Will McIntee News and feedback 30 mins
Break – 30 mins
11:30   Phil Gibbins & Chris Parkes Brexit –  Time is running out 30 mins
12:00  Will & Claus Busk Anderson, Director of Platform Program Management at Microsoft, Dynamics 365 Business Central Fireside chat  30 mins
Break – 15 mins
12:45 Michael Chewter Power Platform 30 mins
13:15 Will McIntee Ask the audience Quiz & Toast 10 mins – 10 hrs
End 14:00 Will McIntee QBStarz 5 mins

Microsoft CSP Discovery Workshop

Biedt u als partner CSP aan of overweegt u dit aan te gaan bieden, dan is dit zeker de workshop die u moeten volgen. Tijdens deze workshop leren wij u wat u moeten weten over het Microsoft CSP programma en de veranderingen die op komst zijn. Denk hierbij aan:

  • Contracten en de Terms & Conditions;
  • Portals en Systemen;
  • Licenties en Abonnementen;
  • We geven u handige tips voor het samenstellen van de winnende offerte.


Tijd Omschrijving
9:00 – 9:30 Inloop
9:30 – 12:00 Microsoft CSP Discovery Workshop
Wat is het Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) programma?
Welke CSP licentieplannen zijn er? En hoe bepaalt u welke plan het beste is voor uw klant?
Hoe bestelt u de juiste licenties voor nieuwe en bestaande Microsoft klanten?
Voor welke Microsoft portalen en systemen dient u zicht te registreren.
Wat moet u precies doen om optimaal te profiteren van de Microsoft incentives.
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch

Na het volgen van deze workshop heeft u meer inzicht in de licentieplannen binnen het Cloud Solution Provider Programma.  Haalt u optimaal voordeel uit de incentive programma’s  en weet u deze op de juist manier binnen de verschillende systemen te gebruiken.

Operationele medewerkers verantwoordelijk voor CSP.

Gratis voor QBS group partners

Om deze workshop zo interactief mogelijk te houden, zijn er maar een beperkt aantal plekken beschikbaar.


Make use of your Internal Use Rights (IUR) for Dynamics 365 CE

Do you already make use of the IUR that you automatically have with Microsoft licenses? If not – listen in to this webinar to get educated on how to get access to these.

Internal Use Rights

Ontwikkel als partner een succesvol business model met Dynamics 365 Business Central

Wat betekent het voor u als software reseller om een bedrijfsoplossing aan te bieden als Dynamics 365 Business Central? Waarbij u Dynamics 365 Business Central succesvol vermarkt, verkoopt en levert, terwijl u zich onderscheidt van de concurrentie. Tijdens deze webinar vertellen wij u in 45 minuten hoe u een nieuwe, op Dynamics 365 Business Central gebaseerde business, op een zo efficient mogelijke manier kan opstarten.


  • De waarde propositie rondom Dynamics 365 Business Central;
  • Wat is het verdienmodel achter Dynamics 365 Business Central;
  • Wat is de beste strategische keuze voor u als partners; het volume model of toch het creëren van specifieke klant oplossing;
  • Praktische zaken rondom het uitwerken van de door u gekozen strategie.


(Microsoft) resellers op zoek naar nieuwe groei mogelijkheden.


Na afloop van dit webinar heeft u voldoende inzicht om aan de slag te gaan met het ontwikkelen van uw waarde propositie voor Dynamics 365 Business Central. Tevens weet u, hoe u uw strategie succesvol tot uitvoering kunt brengen.

Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement versus PowerApps

Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement versus PowerApps – when to use what? Join us for a webinar to get a better understanding of the differences – and the similarities.

The Microsoft Power Platform combines Flow, Power BI and PowerApps. You may have the first to nailed – but what about that last one? PowerApps? Is this a useful tool for the senior user to build new ‘no code’ applications as many people probably still think it is? Actually no – not just that: there is much more to it! PowerApps is built on the exact same technology as the Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement products are. Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement for Sales and its sisters are in fact Model Driven PowerApps.
All very well, but how can we use this technology and when do we choose what? In this session, we walk through several different real-life scenario’s using example builds to demonstrate the awesome power of the platform.

Get updated on – Inspire, Directions, eXtreme.

Every year there are a number of global or regional events that are relevant for the Dynamics partner channel – and in case you not in the fortunate situation where you simply book a ticket to each of them – which one to choose? Or what if you don’t have time to participate at all?

As a QBS partner you’re NOT left in the dark if you don’t have time to participate. At QBS group we participate in all of these events, Microsoft Inspire, eXtreme and Directions, with a number of people. We participate not only as QBS people – but also as representatives of the entire QBS partner community. Speaking our case – and bringing back the news and information that we all need to keep on forefront with our business.

We will keep you informed in various ways. Blogs, videos, webinars – and for Directions EMEA we are also producing our well-known business report providing a more in-depth look at the here and now status of the Dynamics business.

This page will always list the news from the most recent events – as well as list registrations for upcoming update events.

Microsoft Inspire 2019

inspire 2019

Directions North America 2019

took place in May 2019 – below are the recordings of the QBS recap videos and calls.


See video report from day 1

See video report from day 2

See video report from day 3

Webinar: “Hot News from Directions North America 2019” – 13 May, 15:00 – 15:30 CET. See recording here on the QBS Partner Portal (login required)

Monthly Dynamics Channel Partner Call

QBS Group are Dynamics partner fanatics and we believe communication is key to ensure you are the best informed Dynamics partners! Therefore, the third Friday of each month QBS Group along with guest speakers will be discussing top of mind subjects in this one hour call. You will have the opportunity to have your burning questions answered and get the complete low-down of all things Dynamics.

Pre-recordings and new dates for your diary:


January 21st, 2022  Recording Available

February 18th, 2022 Recording Available

Create more leads and win more deals through customer education

These days, IT innovation develops faster than ever before in history. While that opens great opportunities for organisations all over the world, it also creates a lot of stress since failure is not a realistic option (anymore).

Here are some of the dilemma’s for your prospects and customers:

  • We know we must modernise our business processes to stay relevant. But how to change the organisation? And what is the best timing?
  • How can we measure the expected continuity of the vendors on our shortlist?
  • How can we motivate our team members to put full energy into the project?
  • Should we migrate to the cloud now or is it better to wait?
  • We want our staff to be more agile in their thinking and their ability to change. But how do we get there? And what is the exemplary behavior needed from the management?
  • How can we avoid that Digital Transformation turns into ‘just another IT project’ with even more complexity?
  • How can modern IT tools support us in putting our customers first?

Where are your customers today?

In order to keep up with the competition, your projects must be successful in the first attempt. With a short Time-to-Value. Unfortunately, most of your existing and future SMB customers don’t have the knowledge, the persuasion nor the power to take the best decisions. Most of them select and implement for the first or second time in their lives. As a result, that creates big uncertainty. So it’s no wonder that ‘No Decision’ has developed into everybody’s biggest competitor these days!

Customer education

Modern and innovative Microsoft Dynamics partners focus on educating their customers and help them prepare for Successful Projects. Rather than pushing their solutions. This attitude not only helps them to create more leads and win more deals. It also secures the right support from their customers’ top-management when implementing these solutions.

About this webinar

In this free, 40 minutes webinar, Guus Krabbenborg will share his observations and the results he has achieved by his extensive customer education activities. He will inspire you regarding the best way to approach customers and prospects. Next to that, he will also position three different education formats. And shares the options he sees for your company to start delivering one or more of these formats yourself shortly. Guus has been delivering ERP and CRM Masterclasses to potential buyers ever since 2005.

This is a webinar that you definitely don’t want to miss!

Microsoft Dynamics 365 CE – update on price changes

Microsoft is introducing new database storage pricing plans for PowerApps, Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement which will come into effect on 1 April, 2019

As your trusted advisor on Dynamics we offer you a short webinar where we will be going through these changes and offer you some advise on how you should tackle.

Update on Dynamics 365 Business Central

This series of webinars is intended to share the latest information on Dynamics 365 Business Central. Both from a technical, functional and business perspective. Besides sharing information, we will also update on the services portfolio from QBS group to assist on the road to Dynamics 365.

Don’t miss this opportunity to stay on track with Dynamics 365 Business Central and sign up here.

When Signing up you will be notified when the next webinar takes place (see dates on this page). Please note, that webinars are not identical, we will build upon along the way with knowledge on Dynamics 365 as it becomes available from Microsoft.




7 February 2019 Watch here
14 March 2019 Watch here
11 April 2019 Watch here
9 May 2019 Watch here
13 June 2019 Watch here
27 August 2019 Watch here
14 October 2019 Watch here
18 November 2019 Watch here
12 December 2019 Watch here


The impact of the higher update frequency on customer satisfaction (and your own business!)

Microsoft is moving all her business solutions into the cloud. One of the impacts is a much higher update frequency. As we speak, this frequency is changing from every two years to every year to every half year and even every quarter. Have you already figured out what the impact is on aspects like your knowledge levels, your support liabilities and the quality of your support?

In this edition of QBS Talks we’ll discuss the impact of this new update frequency on the long-term satisfaction of your SaaS customers. And on various other aspects of your business. After this session, you’ll walk away with a good understanding of the impact of frequent SaaS updates and a series of ideas to turn this into smart strategies.

Hot news from the eXtreme365 EMEA event

The most important Microsoft Dynamics partner event in the CRM domain is called eXtreme365. The EMEA edition will be delivered this year in Dubrovnik, Croatia from March 19th till 21st. Microsoft Dynamics partners can expect announcements, updates and new strategies around Dynamics 365.

Like every year, QBS group is attending eXtreme365 with a team of people. And for sure we will write another edition of our famous series of Business Reports for Dynamics partners.

But before doing that we want to inform you at first hand via QBS Talks about all this news just a few days after the event. You definitely don’t want to miss this webinar!

How to effectively present your winning proposal

Too often, proposals for new Microsoft Dynamics solutions are purely measured on price. And this increases the chance of discounts and the postponement of the decision. One of the main reasons for this is the way most sales people present their proposals.

In this edition of QBS Talks you’ll learn how to present your proposal in a more effective way. One that moves your prospect’s focus away from price towards quality and business value. We will discuss the main characteristics of the decision-making process and the role that buying emotions play. After this session you’ll walk away with a good understanding of how to win more deals by effectively presenting your proposal.

Why should I care about IoT as an Microsoft D365/NAV partner?

Adoption of Internet of Things solutions across industries continues to accelerate, and Microsoft is leading on innovation to power these solutions.

Please join us in this hosted Microsoft webinar by Tony Krijnen around IoT and which business opportunities this might bring you as an NAV partner today. During this webinar you will get some insights on how easy it is to build and set up Internet of Things (IoT) solutions with Microsoft Azure. You will learn and see some vertical business IoT examples and which commercial opportunities this might bring you for your existing customers or future customers.



  • Introduction IoT
  • Vertical IoT business examples
  • Live demo; building an IoT solution in Azure
  • Call to action
  • Q&A

The CSP Direct model is like an iceberg | Webinar

At QBS group we believe that our partners deserve the best. The best support, the best software and the best stories. A couple of months ago we have asked one of our UK partners, Creative Business Systems, to share their thoughts and experiences with you on their journey to the cloud. We asked Amit Wason if he could share his experience with you on the matter of a direct or indirect approach. We wrote a blog about his experience.

CSP inDirect

On the 19th of February Nelson Tavares da Silva will be the host of our webinar explaining what it all means when you are considering to collaborate with an Indirect Cloud Solution Provider for your Microsoft cloud offering. Amit Wason from Creative Business Systems will share during the webinar his findings with you becoming an Indirect CSP.

A smart choice, because selecting an Indirect CSP means that you can start reselling Dynamics 365 and Office 365 directly without big investments upfront. On top of that, selecting QBS group as your Microsoft Indirect CSP is the perfect match!

If you’re deciding to become a CSP partner, this is a session you don’t want to miss!


Creating the winning quotation

Your quotation is the first legal document in any sales cycle – both in a traditional face-to-face sales as in an online sale process.

On the one hand, your quotation is the commercial document that needs to support your proposition and motivates your prospects to take a positive decision. On the other hand, the document needs to limit your financial and legal risks. So how good is your standard quotation today? Our observation is that the clear majority is far from perfect. Often written ‘inside-out’, mainly focused on the partner interests and incomplete where the tasks and responsibilities of the customer are concerned.

In this edition of QBS Talks you’ll learn how to create an attractive and solid standard quotation, that will help you to win more deals and to deliver better projects. After this session, you’ll walk away with a good understanding of the topics you need to address in your quotation. And what can happen if you’re quotation is incomplete. To make things a bit easier for you, we will also introduce a framework that you can use to re-design your current standard quotation, if you want to.

If you’re active in sales or marketing, this is a session you don’t want to miss!