Extensions 2.0 development for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central træning – 5-6. september 2018

Extensions 2.0 development for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central – 5-6. september 2018!

Vil du være klar til at hjælpe dine kunder i fremtiden så er du nødt til at kunne kode i extensions.

I løbet af disse 2 dage klæder vi dig på til at kunne kode i extensions fremadrettet, så du er klar til nye versioner i NAV og Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Denne super essentielle træning leveres i samarbejde med vores tætte samarbejdspartner 1ClickFactory.

Træningen vil foregå på engelsk og du bedes medbringe din egen computer.

Arrangementet afholdes den 5-6. september 2018 kl. 09.00-16.00 i Microsoft’s lokaler, Kanalvej 7 i Kgs. Lyngby og henvender sig til udviklere med flere års erfaring.

Andrius Čyvas NAV Team Lead, hos 1ClickFactory, vil være vært ved denne træning, men vi fra QBS Group vil naturligvis også være tilstede disse dage.


Dag 1 Dag 2
  • Introduction to Extensions
  • How/When to use Extensions (as a consultant)
  • Mindset for NAV Extensions development
  • Setting up an environment for Group Development of Extensions 2.0:

–    NAV development server

–    Visual Studio Code

–    Source control for Visual Studio Code

–    Customize Visual Studio code for NAV

–    Docker

–    Development

  • Overview of AL development language (and differences from C/AL) with NAV Development
  • Hands-on Extensions 2.0 development
  • Extension Manifest and packaging additional resources to Extension
  • Best practices for building modern user experience in Dynamics NAV
  • Developing extensions for on-premises vs D365


  • Events-driven NAV Development
  • Development with Extensions 2.0 toolkit:

–    Web services

–    Working with files (Text, XML, JSON)

–    Customize visual elements

  • Data handling when an extension is installed
  • Azure functions for .NET replacement
  • Reports
  • Case Scenario 2: Upgrade from Microsoft Dynamics NAV C\AL code to Extensions 2.0 in Visual Studio Code AL language:

–    Using Dynamics NAV PowerShell toolkit for working with NAV objects

–    Using txt2al C/AL to AL code conversion tool

–    Refactoring code not handled by automatic conversion

–    Designing and building data migration from an add-on to extension

  • How to get ready for Microsoft AppSource


QBS Partner: Her er prisen er 2 Training Vouchers pr. person.

IKKE QBS: Her er prisen 8.995 DKK for hele kurset


Vi vil glæde os til at byde dig velkommen til en dag med massere af ny læring og klargøring på fremtiden – hands on!


3 veje til nye salgsmål med effektiv træning for hele virksomheden:

Sammen med det professionelt konsulenthus, Peak Balance, har vi udviklet et unikt træningsprogram, der henvender sig til it-forhandlere, der sælger komplekse ydelser og rådgivning – og som stiller krav til stærke kunderelationer og høj grad af tillid fra kunderne.

Training Girl With Hat Small

3 effektive veje til nye salgsmål:

  1. Bliv TOP performer i IT branchen – gør som Google, gå på det anerkendte og eksklusive Crucial Conversations
    Redskaber til at kommunikere, når der er meget på spil. No. 1 forudsætning for Salg!
  2. Boost din indre SuperKonsulent med – få hot pipline og øget hitrate
    Få dybere forståelse af kundens udfordringer.
  3. Få et ledelsesværktøj der virker – nøglen er personligt lederskab
    Styrk dine kompetencer som leder.

Kurserne leveres af Peak Balance, som er et konsulenthus, der træner sælgere, konsulenter og ledere. De er drevet af at træne og inspirere virksomheder til at udnytte deres potentiale og nå nye mål.

Få mere inspiration og læs om undervisningsformen samt indhold på Peak Balance hjemmeside.

D365 Acceleration Program

Bliv klar til en succesfuld Dynamics 365 forretning

Er du Microsoft partner og leder du efter nye forretningsmuligheder for at imødekomme dine kunders behov for en komplet løsning?

QBS har udviklet og gennemprøvet et uddannelsesforløb med de elementer, der skal til for at opnå en succesfuld forretning – fra strategi til konkrete leads og certificering.

D365 Acceleration program er et forløb med Class-room og Online træning og sparring, som både teknisk og salgsmæssigt vil sikre dig succes med din fremtidige CRM forretning i skyen.

5 gode grunde til at udvide din forretning med Dynamics 365 Sales

  1. Differentier dig fra konkurrenterne – tilbyd flere applikationer
  2. Der er garanti for salgsmodne leads når du er færdig!
  3. Du bliver 100% klar til teknisk certificering
  4. Intet andet program sikrer dig succes med både salgsproces og teknisk kompetence – vi følger og hjælper dig hele vejen
  5. Programmet er blåstemplet af Microsoft!

Sådan kommer du i gang:

Den 5. april afholder vi D365 CRM Bootcamp Kickoff, hvor du vil få indblik i Acceleration programmet og samtidig kan se, om det er noget for dig og din forretning. Vil du vide mere? Bare tilmeld dig, så ringer vi dig op og får en snak om hvordan det kan passe ind i din forretning. Du kan deltage med 3 personer fra samme virksomhed.

Følgende 3 Class-room træninger indgår i programmet:

D365 CRM Bootcamp Kick-off (1 dag)

  • Dato: 5. april 2018
  • For salgs- og tekniske konsulenter, der ønsker at sælge og implementere Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM
  • Hos Microsoft, Kanalvej 7 i Lyngby

D365 CRM Sales Workshop (1 dag)

  • Dato: 8. maj
  • For salg og pre-sales konsulenter, der ønsker at styrke salget af Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM
  • Hos Microsoft, Kanalvej 7 i Lyngby

D365 Basic Customization & Configuration Training (2 dage)

  • Datoer: 12-13. juni 
  • For tekniske konsulenter, der har planer om at implementere, vedligeholde og supportere Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM
  • Hos Microsoft, Kanalvej 7 i Lyngby

Pris for deltagelse i programmet:

  • QBS partnere: DKK 29.250 (6,5 Training Vouchers)
  • Ikke-QBS partnere: DKK 45.000

For alle gælder det, at man må sende 3 personer til Bootcamp Kick-off, en person på Sales Workshop og en person på Basic Customization & Configuration.

Hilsen QBS teamet

Microsoft Dynamics 365 er en fantastisk mulighed for dig som partner og serviceudbyder!

Upgrade campaign with 1ClickFactory and ForNav

This webinar is to give you insights into:

  • Why are upgrades important? For you – and your customers
  • How to tell your customers about upgrades – ready to use campaign materials
  • Process for QBS Upgrade Service

When was the last time your customer updated their PC or telephone with the latest update?

Last night? Last week? Last month? But probably not much longer back. And what about their ERP system? Two years ago? Three years? It is more likely that they are running a NAV version that is five years old or more, just like 70% of the companies using NAV.

Microsoft continuously releases a new version of Microsoft Dynamics NAV with new powerful features, so your customers Microsoft Dynamics NAV implementation becomes outdated – slowly, but steadily. But how can they stay up-to-date with this hectic schedule without spending too much time scoping, budgeting, approving, and planning the process?

To be quite honest: updating any ERP system is not as easy as 1-2-3 but we would like to introduce to you as our QBS partner to the process that comes as close to that as possible.

Dynamics Upgrade Service takes care of the upgrade of your customer’s current solution to a new NAV version.

The Dynamics Upgrade Service allows QBS partners to make more money with upgrading old legacy Navision installations (including Add-ons and Reports), release senior employees’ time, create customer end user satisfaction and most importantly, protect your current install base!

We would like to introduce you to a unique approach to upgrade your current NAV environment. We can offer you a fixed-price upgrade quote, including upgrade subscription and a state-of-the-art transformation and creation tool for reports. It even includes upgrading of all your current reports – which sometimes is only included as an afterthought in many upgrade projects. We offer you the full upgrade package, end-to-end.

In this webinar we will introduce to you this unique approach to upgrade your customers current NAV environment  – as well as show you the to-customer campaign materials developed by QBS – free for you to use as a QBS partner.

This is a session you definitely don’t want to miss!



What’s new NAV 2018 webinar

This new version will contain a new set of functions and features that will be highlighted in this session, as understanding these new possibilities is crucial for your product and / or marketing plans.

This session will be presented by Sven Noomen (PTS at QBS group) and John Speulman (PTS at Microsoft).

The following topics will be addressed.

  • What’s new in the application
  • What’s new from an Office integration perspective
  • What’s new for accountants
  • What’s new in our platform / modern development tools

At the end of the session there will be time for a Q&A 

Want to be the first to be informed about NAV 2018?

Update on Dynamics 365 “Tenerife”

This series of webinars is intended to share the latest information on Dynamics 365. Both from a technical, functional and business perspective. Besides sharing information, we will also update on the services portfolio from QBS group to assist on the road to Dynamics 365.

Since “Inspire” is still a few months away, don’t miss this opportunity to stay on track with Dynamics 365 and sign up here.

When signing up you will be notified when the next webinar takes place (see dates on this page). Please note, that webinars are not identical, we will build upon along the way with knowledge on D365 as it becomes available from Microsoft.

Dates 2018

  • Thursday 27th of May | 16:00 – 16:30 CEST
  • Thursday 28th of June | 16:00 – 16:30 CEST

Update webinar on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement and PowerApps

Get the latest and greatest on the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement and PowerApps products.

This time focus is on:

Different options in connecting Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement to Business Central using Flow

Connecting Dynamics 365 Business Central or NAV 2018 is easy  using out of the box integration tools which comes with NAV 218 and Business Central – including basic replication of entities.

But – in most cases this is not what the customer needs. We see all kinds of scenarios  where customer demands differ significantly from that ‘standard’ integration scenario. We can have multiple Business Central databases that need to sync with one single Customer Engagement instance to split invoicing for example. Or having stock and pricing changes replicated only on specific dates.

Basically, we’ll need to have flexibility in how to create and manage these (and other) scenarios.

The nice thing is: you can!

In this session, we’ll present several options to set this up using Flow.

Hope to see you there!

NAV Update Webinar

This webinar will address issues, updates and new developments involving Microsoft Dynamics NAV with a major impact on your NAV development.

Want to be the first to be informed about the latest NAV Update webinar? Register now.

Watch here the NAV Update of 17 November 2016

In the November ‘NAV Update’ we will be focusing on changes related to NAV 2017. These subjects will be covered

  • NAV Licensing for 2017
  • Help content availability
  • System Requirements for Clients
  • Demo: Short tour of What’s New
  • Demo: How to set up the Outlook Add-in

QBS Talks

Hvad er QBS Talks og hvorfor er det relevant for dig?

”QBS group-partnere er de bedst informerede Microsoft-partnere” – det er vores mantra. Men udover at holde vores partnere opdaterede vil vi også inspirere og til tider provokere lidt…

Vi tror på skyrken i at dele inspirerende idéer og erfaringer – på den måde bliver vi alle mere succesfulde.

QBS Talks har mange inspirerende og spændende talere fra både QBS group, Microsoft, partnere og personer udenfor Dynamics-kanalen.

QBS Talks er platformen, hvor vi deler idéer omkring forskellige emner, både tekniske og kommercielle. Fælles for alle emner er, at de er relevante for forhandlere af Microsoft Dynamics. Se en komplet liste over kommende QBS Talks nedenfor.