Partenaires, gagnez des opportunités avec Power Platform et Dynamics 365

Pour savoir comment, en tant qu’entreprise de services du numérique (ESN), vous pouvez combiner Power Platform et Dynamics 365 pour gagner des opportunités avec des solutions métiers, quels scénarios peuvent correspondre au marché, ce qui a déjà bien fonctionné pour les partenaires n’hésitez pas de regarder notre session dédiée au sujet.

Dans cette session, vous allez découvrir :

  • La Power Platform et ses différentes composantes;
  • Les différents types de Power Apps – les Canvas Apps, les Model Driven Apps et les portails. Quand utiliser quoi ?
  • Comparaison des fonctionnalités – Licences, accès externe, sources de données, etc.
  • Comment créer son application Power Platform;
  • Meilleures pratiques sales&tech Power Platform.

Voir cette video pour créer votre proposition de valeur unique avec Power Platform et Dynamics 365.


1ClickFactory et QBS Group fusionnent pour former Companial, un réseau international de partenaires Microsoft Dynamics

1ClickFactory et QBS Group fusionnent pour proposer des offres de services supplémentaires aux clients en devenant Companial, le plus grand réseau international de partenaires Microsoft Dynamics et celui qui connaît la plus forte croissance.

Leusden, Pays-Bas, Vilinus, Lituanie, 2 février 2022 – 1ClickFactory, basée à Vilnius, en Lituanie, et QBS Group, dont le siège est à Leusden, aux Pays-Bas, ont annoncé aujourd’hui, le 2 février 2022, que les sociétés fusionnent pour former une nouvelle entreprise nommée Companial.

1ClickFacory et QBS Group sont bien connus dans le domaine des Business Applications de Microsoft, fournissant des services et des licences aux partenaires de Microsoft Dynamics. Lorsque 1ClickFactory et QBS Group ont commencé leur partenariat stratégique en 2017, il est rapidement devenu évident que les offres des deux sociétés autour des services techniques, de l’habilitation, de l’exploitation des licences, du support aux éditeurs de logiciels indépendants (ISV), des services marketing et de l’engagement des partenaires Dynamics étaient très complémentaires, toutes axées sur Microsoft Dynamics et Power Platform. Companial arrive sur le marché avec une vision claire : devenir la communauté préférée de tous les professionnels de Dynamics.

1ClickFactory est un centre de développement Microsoft ISV et est certifiée Gold dans les domaines de la planification des ressources d’entreprise (ERP), du développement d’applications et de la Cloud Platform. En tant qu’entreprise internationale, elle fournit des services à plus de 300 partenaires Dynamics dans plus de 40 pays. Les services de mise à niveau, de développement et de formation Microsoft Dynamics 365 de haute qualité de 1ClickFactory, ainsi que son service d’hébergement géré Microsoft Azure de premier plan, aident les partenaires Microsoft à offrir une meilleure valeur commerciale à leurs clients, en fournissant des solutions on-premises et/ou dans le cloud.

“Je suis très enthousiaste à l’idée d’unir nos forces et d’offrir un guichet unique à tous les professionnels de Dynamics avec Companial. Notre mission consiste clairement à dépasser les attentes en plaçant nos partenaires Microsoft au centre de tous nos efforts, en offrant des services exceptionnels, en développant et en soutenant les partenaires Dynamics dans leur cloud journey et en leur donnant les moyens d’agir dans tous les aspects de leur activité. Le mot central de notre vision est “communauté”. Nous faisons tout pour que la communauté fonctionne et pour inspirer ceux qui la composent.

Companial promet qu’il est facile de faire affaire avec nous, que nous offrons un portefeuille de services de haute qualité prenant en charge tous les produits Dynamics, et que nous proposons à nos partenaires Dynamics des offres attrayantes !

Nous nous consacrons au succès de nos partenaires Dynamics, et nous privilégions avant tout les relations personnelles et la touche personnelle pour le bien de notre communauté”
 Louis Rustenhoven, directeur général de Companial.

Le QBS Group est le plus grand écosystème Dynamics, juste derrière Microsoft lui-même. Présent dans plus de 25 pays à travers le monde, avec plus de 800 partenaires qui gèrent plus de 40 000 clients, QBS Group était l’un des seuls fournisseurs de solutions de cloud indirect axé sur Dynamics. Grâce à son expertise et à son contact personnel, QBS Group a aidé les partenaires Dynamics à passer au cloud et les a soutenus dans la conduite de la transformation numérique. Microsoft a récemment reconnu QBS Group en lui décernant le prix Inner Circle Award for Microsoft Business Applications 2021/22, la 8e année consécutive que QBS Group reçoit cet honneur.

“Voir les partenaires Dynamics de notre écosystème prendre de l’ampleur est l’élément numéro un de la croissance. Nous reconnaissons que nos partenaires Microsoft sont le wakeboard, et nous voulons que les partenaires Microsoft soient aussi efficaces, capables et notables que possible. Nous avons eu d’excellentes expériences avec QBS et 1ClickFactory par le passé et nous sommes convaincus que cette combinaison va vraiment permettre à Companial d’attirer plus de clients, de faire un meilleur travail, d’avoir un niveau plus élevé de satisfaction des clients et d’avoir une excellente relation avec Microsoft. Une situation gagnant-gagnant-gagnant pour tout le monde
Mike Morton, General Manager Business Central, Microsoft.

Alors que le lancement de Companial n’aura aucun impact sur les relations et les contrats existants que les partenaires Dynamics ont avec 1ClickFactory ou QBS Group, les partenaires Dynamics peuvent s’attendre à des services et des offres supplémentaires qui les aideront à établir une pratique Microsoft Dynamics ou à faire évoluer une entreprise existante pour permettre la transformation numérique et mieux satisfaire les clients. Un exemple est le partenariat récemment annoncé avec Plataan, l’un des principaux fournisseurs de formation pour Microsoft Dynamics et Power Platform. Ce partenariat se traduira par un ensemble complet de formations et d’outils d’habilitation qui seront proposés sous la marque Companial aux partenaires Dynamics du monde entier.

“Je suis heureux de partager mon point de vue sur l’intégration qui se produit actuellement entre QBS et 1ClickFactory. Nous sommes enthousiastes et nous pensons que c’est une excellente initiative. Collectivement, en tant que communauté, nous avons une énorme quantité de travail à faire pour faire avancer les clients de Dynamics vers un avenir Cloud brillant de Dynamics 365 . Et ce n’est que collectivement que nous disposons des ressources nécessaires pour y parvenir dans des délais raisonnables. Nous apprécions déjà de travailler avec votre équipe pour faire avancer nos clients et nous espérons faire beaucoup plus à l’avenir. Nous nous réjouissons de travailler avec vous”
Paul White, directeur général de The NAV | 365 People.

À propos de Companial

Companial est le plus grand et le plus rapide réseau international de partenaires de Microsoft Dynamics. Companial soutient ses partenaires Dynamics – revendeurs, intégrateurs de systèmes informatiques, fournisseurs de services et ISV – avec des services commerciaux et techniques visant à accroître les revenus, réduire les coûts et améliorer la satisfaction des clients. Companial est un distributeur officiel d’ERP pour PME, un fournisseur indirect de CSP pour Microsoft, un centre de développement d’ISV Microsoft et une entreprise certifiée Gold en matière de planification des ressources d’entreprise (ERP) , de développement d’applications et de plateforme cloud. Les services de mise à niveau, de développement et de migration Microsoft Dynamics 365 de haute qualité de Companial, ainsi que son service d’hébergement géré Microsoft Azure, aident les partenaires Microsoft à offrir une meilleure valeur commerciale à leurs clients lorsqu’ils fournissent des solutions on-premises dans le Cloud. Companial fournit et soutient actuellement plus de 1000 partenaires Dynamics dans plus de 40 pays dans le monde.

Pour plus d’informations, contactez : Ursula Koller,

Visitez notre site web :

Hébergement Azure pour Dynamics NAV/Business Central ?

Qu’est-ce que l’hébergement Azure pour Dynamics NAV/Business Central et pourquoi ce service d’hébergement est-il vraiment intéressant pour les partenaires Microsoft Dynamics ?

Notre proposition d’hébergement Azure, appelée self-provisioning pour Dynamics NAV/Business Central, est basée sur la plateforme Microsoft Azure et s’adresse tout particulièrement aux partenaires Microsoft qui souhaitent mettre en place un environnement d’entreprise cloud de manière très simple et pour un montant fixe par mois.

C’est la proposition idéale pour les clients qui souhaitent passer au cloud, mais pour qui en raison de leur environnement actuel il n’est pas possible actuellement de passer directement à Dynamics 365 Business Central SaaS.

Ce service unique proposé par QBS et 1ClickFactory, fait de nous le plus grand client Microsoft au monde de la plateforme Microsoft Azure.

Au cours de ce video, nous vous montrerons les avantages de ce service et présenterons les situations clients pour lesquelles cette solution est pertinente.

  • Vos clients ne peuvent pas encore passer sur Business Central SaaS ?
  • Ou vous vous posez des questions sur la gestion d’un environnement Azure ?
  • Ou les tarifs Azure vous semblent trop élevés ?

How can you win the market with Power Platform in 2022?

Power Platform is just that, a platform. It’s difficult to go to market with a platform proposition to your customers – so how can you start to make money from Power Platform and its associated technologies? If you would like to think about how you can go from Microsoft Dynamics 365 or Business Central to broader Business Applications, you need to think outside of the product box and broadly consider what can be delivered.

Attend this session to learn about how you can begin to commercialize the Power Platform, what scenarios may fit the market, what has worked well for partners already, and what you will need to consider when starting a successful Power Platform practice.

Microsoft New Commerce Experience in CSP – Office Hours

Microsoft has released the New Commerce Experience for seat-based licenses in the Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) program.
There are some important changes compared to the current CSP subscriptions that you as partner should be aware of.
Therefore, we are pleased to invite you to our Office Hours regarding the New Commerce Experience in CSP, hosted by the Partner Care team.
During these Office Hours, we will go through important updates, and give you the opportunity to ask all your questions.

Date Time
Thursday 3 February 2022 13:00 – 13:30 CET
Thursday 17 February 2022 13:00 – 13:30 CET
Thursday 3 March 2022 13:00 – 13:30 CET
Thursday 17 March 2022 13:00 – 13:30 CET
Thursday 31 March 2022 13:00 – 13:30 CEST


Do you really need the Business Central Universal Code Initiative? Are you shocked? Let’s hope not…

What’s the Business Central Universal Code Initiative?

For a while now, Microsoft has been emphasizing the move to the Cloud. We’ve had their ‘Cloud-first strategy’ and then more recently, the ‘Business Central Publisher Program’ targeting ISVs to convince and even force them to adopt the ‘Cloud-first strategy’. Microsoft forces ISVs to put their solutions on AppSource, even if those ISVs are only serving on-premises customers right now. They’ve even gone so far as to announce possible fees in the future if you won’t adopt the Cloud-first strategy. And now, with the Business Central Universal Code initiative, they are targeting everyone to adopt this strategy.

Basically, with this new initiative, selling extensions not targeted for online use to new Business Central on-premises customers could require you to license two additional modules:

  • Module “Implemented code is not in extensions”
    When the Microsoft Business Central base application is modified, customers will need to license this module.
  • Module “Implemented code is not cloud-optimized”
    When code is developed in extensions, but they are not cloud-optimized, customers will need to license this module

The cost of these modules (read: fees) will start at $0 per full user (both Essentials and Premium) per year and will increase over time. Here is the timeline Microsoft is currently aiming for.

And what about those increasing fees?

Recurring fee(s) Timeline Implemented code is not in extensions Implemented code is not cloud-optimized
2022 $0 $0
2023 $75 $0
2024 $125 $75
2025 $250 $175
2026 onwards TBD TBD

Note: Customers who licensed Dynamics NAV or Dynamics 365 Business Central on-premises before April 1, 2022 will not be required to license the non-Universal Code modules in their current configuration. They can add, remove users and first- and third-party functionality without the need to license previous mentioned new modules.

More information about Business Central Universal Code

What’s Microsoft’s Goal?

To put it very simply, Microsoft would like to create a Business Central SaaS world where every (potential) customer can get any (ISV) solution they need to be able to run their organization on Business Central SaaS. Therefore, Microsoft wants you to create solutions that will work in Business Central SaaS. It’s the future for Microsoft Partners and customers in the Dynamics 365 (Business Central) community, and Microsoft wants to see everyone collaborating on this. Microsoft tries to motivate us by charging fees to those who do not cooperate.

The benefits of the Universal Code initiative, according to Microsoft:

  • Universal Code can be implemented everywhere, in Business Central online, in on-premises or Partner-hosted environments.
  • By listing your Universal Code on Microsoft AppSource, you extend your sales force, reach more customers, and connect directly with decision-makers.
  • By bundling your connected Microsoft cloud services with Universal Code, you generate customer stickiness.
  • Universal Code frees up capacity to improve our mutual offerings and we will be able to serve more customers.

Let’s Get Technical about Universal Code

From Q4 2022 onwards, technical enforcement will be introduced in Business Central so that only ‘Universal Code’ is allowed as additional code in customer environments. You need to move to full extensions only, meaning no more code customizations in Base App. That means in your app.json you should use: “target” : “Cloud”, so your code will work both in SaaS and in on-premises environments.

To make your solutions compatible with Business Central SaaS you need to meet the requirements of SaaS, such as:

  • No usage of .Net Interop (please think about Azure Functions)
  • No file system (please think about Azure Blob Storage, Cosmos etc.)
  • No direct access to SQL
  • Web client only
  • No Base App Source Code modifications
  • Lack of events
  • Printing

This means you not only have to think about moving your code to AL, but also about how to overcome the limitations or requirements of Business Central SaaS. You really need to think outside the box and see the opportunity offered by the whole Microsoft Platform instead of just focusing on the Business Central app itself.

You really need to have a look at Azure (Functions, Storage, SQL, Apps, etc.) which offers multiple solutions in the stack to help you meet the requirements of Business Central SaaS. And yes, that requires other skills you probably don’t have in your organization yet.

Conclusion, Impact and Calls to Action

So, are you shocked, or do you need to make use of this initiative? Let’s hope not, because that would mean you have missed all the Microsoft news in the last 3 or 4 years.

Microsoft has shared their vision for the direction of Business Central SaaS.  It should be the easiest-to-use business application suite, delightful, efficient, “video-game” fast, powerful, simple to discover and quick to onboard. All of this should be available for every (potential) Business Central customer, and they want you to collaborate on that by making your solutions available for SaaS (too).

Hopefully you are already there, or at least almost there, but if not, please rethink your organization’s approach or even the right to exist in the next few years. If you really would like to embrace the cloud you need to think outside the ERP box. It’s not a single solution, but just one part of the platform you offer to your customers.

  • Rethink your solution: Get rid of legacy customizations that are included in Business Central nowadays. Think about Buy or Build. If something already exists on AppSource, why are you going to invest in creating a similar app?
  • Embrace Azure: Have a look at your solutions through the eyes of an Azure Solutions Architect. Train your team in Azure (Blob, SQL, Logic Apps, Functions and Cosmos to start with).
  • Pick your battles: Use Horizontal ISV Solutions. Don’t develop something which already exists. Team up with other Partners. Outsource development and maintenance of your apps.
  • Search for Value: Only invest in solutions where you are really adding value to Business Central and your vertical. Have a look at the QBS Marketplace. Tell your PSM that you would like to have a chat with one of our Architects.


I would like to close with a quote of Marije Brummel (Azure Solutions Architect);

“No one needs to be left behind!”

Partenariat stratégique QBS Group et 1Clickfactory avec Plataan

Plataan, basée à Hasselt, en Belgique, et QBS Group, dont le siège est à Leusden, aux Pays-Bas, ont annoncé aujourd’hui qu’ils allaient unir leurs forces pour l’avenir. En janvier 2022, QBS Group a acquis une majorité d’actions de Plataan.

Cette transaction est une étape importante dans la stratégie du QBS Group visant à améliorer le portefeuille de services proposé au réseau de partenaires Dynamics. Elle s’inscrit parfaitement dans la vision du groupe de devenir la communauté et le centre d’expertise préférés de tous les professionnels de Dynamics dans le monde entier.

En 2021, les chiffres de la croissance de Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central (BC) SaaS ont montré qu’il est désormais impératif que les partenaires aient des compétences, aptitudes et savoirs sur Dynamics365 BC. L’énorme croissance de BC SaaS se reflète également dans l’accélération de l’admission et du nombre de certifications de nouveaux professionnels BC dans le cadre du programme de formation “Business Central Booster” assuré par Plataan. Il s’agit d’un programme virtuel en ligne conçu pour apprendre, par le biais d’exercices pratiques, tout en étant guidé par un formateur certifié expérimenté. En plus des programmes Booster pour Dynamics Business Central, Plataan offre des formations sur Microsoft Power Platform, Office 365 et Customer Engagement.

Avec cette importante annonce stratégique, QBS Group et Plataan ont désormais une offre unique en matière de formation et de couverture pour servir le réseau de partenaires Dynamics :

Nous considérons Plataan comme un partenaire de formation stratégique de premier plan pour notre communauté de partenaires Dynamics actuels et futurs. L’ambition de Plataan d’élaborer des programmes de compétences en ligne complets pour les partenaires Dynamics correspond parfaitement à notre ensemble unique de services techniques couvrant Business Central, F&O, PowerApps et Customer Engagement, ainsi qu’à notre expertise en matière de licences traditionnelles et CSP (Cloud). Nous nous réjouissons tous d’une excellente collaboration avec de multiples avantages pour notre communauté de partenaires !
Louis Rustenhoven, PDG de QBS Group & 1ClickFactory


Les deux sociétés sont de véritables organisations axées sur les partenaires. Elles ont toutes deux une stratégie “Microsoft Dynamics uniquement”. Aucun autre distributeur à valeur ajoutée dans le réseau mondial de Microsoft ne peut s’en targuer. Nos offres et nos capacités en matière de formation (numérique), combinées aux compétences commerciales, marketing et techniques approfondies de QBS Group et de 1ClickFactory, ainsi qu’à leur vaste réseau de distribution international, forment un ensemble idéal ! La communauté des partenaires Dynamics peut s’attendre à ce que nous proposions des offres de formation plus attrayantes, notamment dans le domaine de D365 Finance & Supply Chain et Power Platform.
Vincent Bellefroid, partenaire Plataan

La Microsoft New Commerce Experience (NCE)

Qu’est-ce que Microsoft New Commerce Experience (NCE) et qu’est-ce qui va changer pour moi en tant que partenaire ?

La New Commerce Experience (NCE) pour les abonnements Microsoft 365, Dynamics 365, Windows 365 et Power Platform est la mise à jour la plus importante du programme Microsoft CSP. Le programme vous propose en tant que partenaire de nouveaux outils pour simplifier et gérer les souscriptions.

Récemment, de nombreuses informations sur la New Commerce Experience (NCE) ont été communiquées. Étant donné qu’il s’agit du changement le plus important annoncé par Microsoft après l’introduction du modèle CSP, il est important que vous soyez pleinement informés de l’expérience NCE. Surtout parce que cela peut avoir un impact significatif sur vos revenus et vos marges.

C’est la raison pour laquelle nous vous proposons cette session de 30 minutes en français. Anne Jager et Manon Degenkamp, ​​nos spécialistes des licences au sein de notre équipe Partner Care, seront également présents lors de ce webinaire pour répondre à toutes les questions.

Télécharger la présentation

Dynamics 365 Update Webcast – 9 December 2021

Microsoft Dynamics 365 update 9 décembre 2021

Ce webcast couvre les dernières nouvelles du Business Central.

La session aborde les points suivants :

  • New Commerce Experience (seat-based)

Des conseils sur la meilleure façon de gérer les changements. Voici quelques changements intéressants qui devront être communiqués à vos clients finaux avant que Microsoft ne le fasse.

  • Un petit aperçu de la mise à jour 19.1
  • Quelques points d’information utiles
    • Les actions qui doivent être prises avant mars 2022, pour s’assurer qu’il n’y aura pas de perturbations dans l’intégration de Business Central et deDataverse.
    • Vidéos sur le lancement de la marque Business Central, disponibles jusqu’à la fin de 2021.
    • Nouvelles fonctionnalités de Power Automate pour trouver des enregistrements.
    • Plus de 100 cas de références Business Central mis à disposition.


  • Mises à jour autour de Power BI

Nouveau groupe qui peut obtenir des rapports, ainsi qu’une nouvelle façon de partager facilement ces rapports.

  • Modifications futures des autorisations de Business Central

Explication de l’histoire de la permission simple et améliorée sur laquelle travaille Microsoft.

  • Un rappel avec quelques call-to-actions pour les partenaires ISV lors du prochain update.

Directions EMEA in Milan and we as QBS Group will be there!

It was a tough year without meeting each other in person, having the network possibilities at events and not seeing each other in the conference of Directions. But the focus at this event will be on the fall release of Dynamics 365 Business Central, efficient use of the new development environment, cloud infrastructure and Power Platform.
Gain first-hand knowledge about Dynamics 365 Business Central and the Power Platform.

Innovate your business to successfully deal with technological requirements, and new pricing and sales policies. Offer customers outstanding extensions, innovative solutions, and apps in AppSource using Business Central, Azure Services, Microsoft Power Platform, AI and Machine Learning Collaborate with Microsoft and other Dynamics partners worldwide to enhance your offerings and SMB market presence.

Join Directions EMEA 2021 in Milan on October 27-29, 2021 and get inspired by the QBS presentations during our expertise sessions.

See you in Milan!


How to rapidly sell Business Central as a 100% fit, and let your customers recognize the value immediately.

William van Voorthuijsen
William van Voorthuijsen

Target audience: Sales & Marketing, Leadership, Consulting

In this session, you will learn the tips and tricks on how to sell Business Central SaaS to customers in the lower end of the SMB space. We all know that those customers don’t expect high implementation costs. They would rather love to recognize the value of Business Central immediately at low costs and as a great fit with their business. Learn how to complete standard Business Central with some great AppSource offerings and rapid implementations making use of wizards so that your end customers are up and running very quickly as well as recognizing the value of using Business Central in their business.

Session Info – Thursday, October 28, 2021 – 11.00 a.m. – Room Amber 5+6

There is a solution for almost every business challenge, but where can you find it?

Herman van Leeuwen QBS group
Herman van Leeuwen

Target audience: Sales & Marketing

The cloud transformation offers the opportunity to use a dedicated ISV solution rather than developing customizations. Today there are over 1,500 Business Central solutions published on AppSource. Herman will explain how you can find the right solution.

Session Info – Wednesday, October 27, 2021 – 11.00 a.m. – Room Amber 5+6

Go to Market with Power Platform

Chris Parkes
Chris Parkes

Target audience: Sales & Marketing, Leadership

Power Platform is just that, a Platform. It’s difficult to go to market with a platform proposition to your customers so how can you start to make money from Power Platform and associated technologies?  If you would like to think about how you can go from Dynamics 365 or Business Central to broader Business Applications, you need to think outside of the product box and broadly consider what can be delivered.  Attend this session to learn about how you can begin to commercialise power platforms, what scenarios may fit the market, what has worked well for partners already and what you will need to consider to get ready to start a successful Power Platform practice.

Session Info – Wednesday, October 27, 2021 – 11.00 a.m. – Room Coral 3

Have a look at the sessions of 1Click Factory at Directions

Pass by at our booth S09 – a nice surprise is waiting for you!

We are looking forward to seeing you at Directions EMEA in Milan.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us!

QBS Group has been announced 8th time in a row by Microsoft for Inner Circle for Microsoft Business Applications 2021/22.

QBS Group has achieved the prestigious 2021/2022 Inner Circle status for Microsoft Business Applications for the 8th time in a row. Since starting up, QBS Group has received this outstanding honorable award every year. Inner Circle members have performed to a high standard of excellence by delivering valuable solutions that help organizations achieve increased success.

Membership in this elite group is based on sales achievements that rank QBS Group in the top echelon of Microsoft’s Business Applications global network of partners. Inner Circle members have performed to a high standard of excellence by delivering valuable solutions that help organizations achieve increased success. According to Microsoft the Business Applications Inner Circle partners represent the top 1% of the total Business Applications ecosystem.

“In a year of deep business transformation for every company and every industry on the planet, it is extremely rewarding to be able to recognize Microsoft Business Applications partners from every corner of the world that accelerated our joint customers’ digital transformation and drove unsurpassed customer success,” said Cecilia Flombaum, Microsoft Business Applications Ecosystem Lead. “Our Inner Circle members are chosen based on their business performance as well as capabilities as an organization, whether that’s creating IP, developing solutions, or having an industry leading focus on digital transformation. Microsoft is honored to recognize QBS Group for their achievements this past year, their dedication to our customers, and their innovation around the Microsoft Cloud.” 

We are very excited that QBS is part of the exclusive Inner Circle members club in 2021/22. QBS has achieved this award for the eighth time in a row. Our promise towards the QBS partner community and our deep dedication to the Microsoft Dynamics World is still unbroken. We will make optimal use of this membership to continuously improve and strengthen our position in such a great partner community. This gives us a unique position that I know Microsoft appreciates and our partners can benefit from.” Michael Hartmann, CEO of QBS Group



Partenaire, développez un business model réussi avec Dynamics 365 Business Central

En tant que revendeur de logiciels, qu’est-ce que cela représente d’offrir une solution d’entreprise telle que Dynamics 365 Business Central? Comment marketer, vendre et livrer avec succès Dynamics 365 Business Central, tout en se différenciant de la concurrence? Au cours de cette vidéo, nous vous expliquerons en 45 minutes comment démarrer un nouveau projet basé sur Dynamics 365 Business Central de la manière la plus efficace possible.


  • Construire sa proposition de valeur autour de Dynamics 365 Business Central;
  • Un business plan réussi avec Dynamics 365 Business Central;
  • Témoignage de partenaire :  développer une activité rentable avec Business Central;
  • Démarrer avec QBS Group et Microsoft.

Public cible

Partenaires, intégrateurs, ESN / SSII à la recherche de nouvelles opportunités de croissance avec Microsoft.


Avec cette vidéo, vous aurez suffisamment d’informations pour commencer à développer votre proposition de valeur Dynamics 365 Business Central. Vous saurez également comment mettre en œuvre votre stratégie avec succès.

Dynamics 365 Update Webcast

QBS Group Podcast Spotify

Solution ERP Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central pour les PME

Que vaut Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central en tant que solution ERP pour les PME? Cette vidéo vous permettra de vous faire une bonne idée de la puissance de Dynamics 365 Business Central en tant que logiciel d’entreprise et en tant que solution ERP pour les PME.


  • Les opportunités de marché Business Applications pour les PME
  • La gestion d’entreprise tout-en-un avec Dynamics365 Business Central
  • La force de l’interconnectivité des solutions Microsoft
  • Pourquoi Dynamics365 Business Central pour vous et vos clients

A qui s’adresse cette vidéo:
Toutes les entreprises informatiques à la recherche de nouvelles opportunités de croissance.

Après cette vidéo, vous saurez ce que Dynamics 365 Business Central peut apporter à vos clients, quelle est la puissance de la plate-forme Dynamics 365 et quelles sont les possibilités pour tirer le meilleur parti de l’offre Microsoft.

Dynamics 365 Update Webcast

Dynamics 365 Update Webcast 1 July 2021

This series of webcasts is intended to share the latest information on Microsoft Dynamics 365 and related ISV solutions, both from a technical, functional and business perspective.
And along the year we will keep you informed about the latest news from Microsoft biggest events like Inspire, Directions ASIA, North America and EMEA.

Topics – 1 July 2021

Part 1: Dynamics 365 Business Central Update
Dynamics 365 Business Central Update (20 Minutes)

Part 2: PowerPlatform and CRM update
PowerPlatform and CRM update (20 Minutes)

Part 3: Solitea
Solitea (15 Minutes)

Dynamics 365 Update Webcast

Dynamics 365 Update Webcast

Cosmos versus Azure SQL and how to integrate with Dynamics 365 Business Central #MSDYN365BC

One of the highest-scoring FAQs from partners and customers moving to Business Central is about direct access to the SQL Server database in combination with the maximum database size.

When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Since Dynamics NAV in the last ten years only ran on SQL Server this is what most partners know. Large customers often buy CPU licenses and since they have a SQL Server this is what they often start using as a Data Warehouse too.

The cloud equivalent of SQL Server is Azure SQL and this is fully supported by Business Central. In fact, this is what Microsoft uses for hosting the SaaS platform.

One might be tempted to use Azure SQL then also for cloud data storage, but this may not always be the best choice. On Azure, we have more than just a hammer.

Azure Cosmos Database is a good alternative in Azure if you are looking to store large amounts of data from different sources that you want to use in a Web Shop or other Web-Based solution.

The question that rises is then, what would this cost, and how do I send information back and forth between Cosmos and Business Central.

The pricing model for Cosmos is different from Azure SQL in a sense that you pay for real throughput and storage. The storage model is cheaper than the model for Azure SQL.

Cosmos is also auto-scale and auto indexed even though I expect that most of the workload from SMB customers will not be affected by this a lot.

Cosmos vs. Azure Data Lake

In this article we discuss Cosmos as an alternative to Azure SQL. Cosmos is not the only alternative and in the next articles, we will also discuss Azure Data Lake and other blob-based solutions.

Working with Cosmos & Business Central

As you may expect from my profile the main topic of this blog is the technology required to get data to move from Business Central to Cosmos. For this there are two options and I’ll describe both and share code examples.

In both cases we are going to use the Cosmos Rest API.

The AL way

The first option and probably the option of choice by experienced AL developers is to call the API directly from Business Central. This is a straightforward HTTP request where we send json information to a Cosmos container. The thing that may require to fiddle with a bit is the security tokens, but this has been laid out in the example code. You can find code examples on our GitHub.

The C# way

Another option which will most likely be the preferred option by developers who are new to our community is to call the Business Central REST API from an Azure Function and push that data into Cosmos using some C# code. This is also part of the examples you can find on GitHub.

Best of both worlds

Both options can also be combined. This depends on how you want to schedule the synchronization. Scheduling can be done using a Logic App that synchronizes data every x minutes, or hours, or you can push the Azure Function from the Business Central Job Queue. Alternatively, you can even call the Azure Event Grid from a Business Central Webhook and use that to transform data from Business Central to Cosmos.

The Azure Function also allows data to be stored from other data sources such as a SOAP endpoint.

Pitfalls and tips

You can store all kinds of data in Cosmos, based on containers just like Azure Blob Storage.

Cosmos is a no SQL database so it does not force you to follow schemas.

The consequence of the lack of schema’s is that it becomes the responsibility of the owner of the database to make sure data in a container is consistent and all json files follow the same structure.

As an example, let’s assume you have created a container with Item Inventory by date and you want to add location code as a new field. You need to update old records with the location code or create a new container with fresh data.

The example code provided on the GitHub contains a Version No. field and some extra Metadata about the json stored in the container. This allows you to have multiple versions of a record in the same container and store, for example, items and resources in the same container. This can have an advantage if you need an aggregation across Business Central entities in one container.

Because throughput is the main driver for cost in Cosmos it can also be beneficial to duplicate data across containers if there is a clear difference in data requirements across certain BI dashboards. For example, certain dashboards only require a customer name, where other dashboards require post codes or city.

Since data is stored in json format you can store parent and child information in one container, such as Sales Headers and Lines.

Creating a new Cosmos Instance & Database

One of the reasons Cosmos can be interesting for the SMB market and Business Central users is that it provides a free entry level of 25GB and 1000ru. This should suffice for an average Datawarehouse combining data from Business Central and other entities.

Cosmos versus Azure SQL and how to integrate with Dynamics 365 Business Central #MSDYN365BC

You can choose any API you are familiar with, but the examples on our GitHub are based on Core SQL. This syntax is relatively close to Transact SQL that most Business Central power users are familiar with.
Cosmos versus Azure SQL and how to integrate with Dynamics 365 Business Central #MSDYN365BC


Serverless or Provisioned

Probably serverless since we are having very incremental workloads. If we don’t use Cosmos, we only pay for storage.

Account Name

The account name is a generic name, used for all databases, just like an Azure SQL Server.

Other options may be left default or may vary based on your organizational backup and security policies and are not part of the scope of this document.

Creating a Database and a Container

In our code examples, the Database and Container are created by the Azure Function in C# if you try to write to a Database and/or Container that does not exist. The AL code does not contain examples of creating a Database or Container automatically. If you go for AL only you need to either write this code or create them manually via the Azure Portal.

Cosmos versus Azure SQL and how to integrate with Dynamics 365 Business Central #MSDYN365BC




Dynamics 365 Update Webcast 27 May 2021

This series of webcasts is intended to share the latest information on Microsoft Dynamics 365 and related ISV solutions, both from a technical, functional and business perspective.
And along the year we will keep you informed about the latest news from Microsoft biggest events like Inspire, Directions ASIA, North America and EMEA.

Dynamics 365 Update Webcast

Dynamics 365 Update Webcast

How to use the Dynamics 365 Business Central API with C# in Service-to-Service scenarios

A question that was raised more frequently than others lately is, how to use the Business Central API from C# in Service-to-Service scenarios?

Within the Business Central community, C# is the most frequently used language to code Azure Functions and Windows Services using DotNET core.

There are a few choices to make when deciding how to design your code and we’ll discuss the most important ones being security and structure of your classes.


When you connect to Business Central using the API you have two choices. OAuth with tokens or Basic with a Web Service Access Key.

Using OAuth is the preferred solution which is promoted by Microsoft. The problem is that OAuth is only supported when the software calling into Business Central has the ability to provide a user interface.

This user interface is required to show a window to login and return the access token.

Business Central currently does not support OAuth in service-to-service scenarios except for the API that is handling the service tier itself.

That leaves you with the choice of going back to Basic authentication with a Web Service Access Key or to use Azure as the middle man.

Most examples that you can find online of authentication use the latter option and therefor this blog is about the other option that is hard to find information on.

Simplicity is the core value of Business Central and even though customers using Business Central have an Office 365 tenant, not everyone has their Azure tenant configured.

Using Azure as the middle man for security may be the easy way out for a developer, it requires each user of your solution to set this up in their Azure tenant.

The advice is to use Basic Authentication for Service-to-Service connections until Microsoft is finished with a final solution for OAuth in these scenarios.


There are two options when you design your solution to structure your classes. You can have them generated based on the metadata of the API endpoint or you can design your own classes.

Both options have pros and cons and the most important reason why the example repository creates its own classes is again simplicity and to explain clearly how the API works rather than working through a pile of generated code that will leave 95% unused.

In real life implementations, many developers will choose to generate the classes based on the endpoint, especially if the API has strong versioning like the one provided by Microsoft.

A strong exception would be if you only need a few API methods implemented or if the API is a custom API for a project and subject to change.

If changes to the API happen on a frequent basis, which is not recommended but happens often in real-life scenarios, you can be more flexible in your error handling if you define your classes yourself.

Rest Client

To send data back and forth your code needs a Rest Client and, in the example, we use the one from RestSharp. This is a very popular NuGet package. Another frequently used Rest Client is the Simple Client (Simple.OData.Client) which is also available as NuGet package.

Json Handling

Json is not native to C#. It was created for JavaScript and in order to use it in C# you can use either NewtonSoft or the new System.Text.Json from Microsoft. Both are created by the same person who works for Microsoft now.

You will most likely find out that both libraries have scenarios where they work and fail.

NewtonSoft Linq supports the use of JArray and JObject in a similar way as AL has the native JsonArray and JsonObject although you will find the NuGet libraries much more flexible and powerful.


Each result that you get from Business Central has a wrapper with a tag called [Value]. In almost all cases you won’t need this in your code. The function ConvertToDataSet converts the result of an API call into a Json Array without the [Value] wrapper.

The API Endpoint

When Business Central is hosted by Microsoft the API endpoint has up to 6 variables that determine things like the Sandbox you are using (if any), the Tenant ID (obsoleted by OAuth) and the details about the API version, and group.

Learning more

To work effectively with the Business Central API it is important to have in-depth knowledge of Json and Rest. QBS Group offers a dedicated workshop to gain this knowledge.


Link to Github:

Dynamics 365 & Power Platform – Special Interest Group

The Power Platform Special Interest Group is designed to help partners gain a deeper understanding of the capabilities of the Microsoft Power Platform and the business areas that can be positively impacted through adoption of this technology.

Covering a variety of topics including the Microsoft Dataverse, Power Apps (both Model-Driven Apps and Canvas Apps,) Power Automate and others, this group will also be used to provide insights into the QBS Cloud Toolbox and the benefits of using this to monitor and manage customers, deploy managed solutions and protect intellectual property.

Who is it for?

Both strategic leadership, pre-sales and technical roles should benefit from attending these webcasts.

The agenda will usually be split into two sections; Firstly, a value proposition session helping translate technical capabilities into business value and the impact that can be seen relating to specific scenarios.  Secondly, technical overviews, demonstrations, and examples of what can be achieved will also be provided.

Why should I attend?

This series of webcasts will share the latest information on Microsoft Dynamics 365, Power Platform and associated applications from a CRM perspective across business, functional and technical areas.

The webcasts are free of charge for partners with active QBS memberships, will last up to one hour in duration, and will also facilitate shared knowledge networking welcoming questions and partner contributions to the forum.

When is it?

The webcast runs on the final Friday of every month, 15:00 CET, 14:00 BST/GMT

Friday – February 25 – 15:00 CET, 14:00 BST/GMT
Friday – March 25 – 15:00 CET, 14:00 BST/GMT
Friday – April 29 – 15:00 CET, 14:00 BST/GMT
Friday – May 27 – 15:00 CET, 14:00 BST/GMT
Friday – June 24 – 15:00 CET, 14:00 BST/GMT
Friday – July 29 – 15:00 CET, 14:00 BST/GMT
Friday – August – 15:00 CET, 14:00 BST/GMT


Chris Parkes
Chris Parkes
Dynamics 365 CRM and Power Platform specialist

Get Insights from Microsoft about the directions of Business Central in the SMB Channel

Michael Hartman, CEO of QBS Group, interviewed Mike Morton, General Manager Dynamics 365 Business Central at Microsoft.

What’s next for Dynamics 365 Business Central On-Prem? Where does Microsoft see the current and future target market for Dynamics 365 Business Central and which related technologies / solution areas will become more important for Business Central partners? Those are only a couple of questions that were answered during this interview.

“The vast majority of innovation will be delivered on BC SaaS – but it’s a journey to get there.”

Hear in this video the critical questions answered. Mike Morton states, that there will be support for individual releases and there are scenarios to keep the support going, there is no lifecycle ending in sight for Business Central in the foreseeable future. Nevertheless, the differentiator in the market is the Cloud offering and the adoption of Dynamics partners to deliver digitalization to their customers. As an example, Morton mentioned the Microsoft Teams integration.

Microsoft believes in Cloud/SaaS as the best place in the long run for customers. As an intermediate step going from an On-Prem solution to a hosted environment is a big step forward in the right direction. Morton takes away the fear of the too frequent update cycles with the argument that there is a maximum of innovation aligned with a traditional update cycle, which keeps stability, trust and flexibility.

What is the positioning strategy of Microsoft for Business Central versus Finance & Operations, beside the fact of the respective target markets? How does the competition landscape look and last, but not least, looking to the future – what is planned within the next 18-24 months and what is Mike Morton’s advice to the partners? Watch here the full interview.