Update on Dynamics 365 Business Central

This series of webinars is intended to share the latest information on Dynamics 365 Business Central. Both from a technical, functional and business perspective. Besides sharing information, we will also update on the services portfolio from QBS group to assist on the road to Dynamics 365.

Don’t miss this opportunity to stay on track with Dynamics 365 Business Central and sign up here.

When Signing up you will be notified when the next webinar takes place (see dates on this page). Please note, that webinars are not identical, we will build upon along the way with knowledge on Dynamics 365 as it becomes available from Microsoft.




7 February 2019 Watch here
14 March 2019 Watch here
11 April 2019 Watch here
9 May 2019 Watch here
13 June 2019 Watch here
27 August 2019 Watch here
14 October 2019 Watch here
18 November 2019 Watch here
12 December 2019 Watch here


Roundtable 15. maj – Nytt från LEAP!

Få seneste nytt om Microsoft’s produktstrategi

Roundtable för arkitekter och utvecklare tisdag den 15. maj 2018. Hela programmet hålls på engelska.

Varje år håller Microsoft i ett event för mjukvaruarkitekter och utvecklare som vill stärka sin kunskap kring Microsofts tekniker; Lead Enterprise Architect Program (LEAP). Här presenterar Microsoft sin långsiktiga produktstrategi – inte bara kring Dynamics utan också hela dess produktportfölj. I år har vi skickat två av våra skarpaste kollegor till LEAP 2018 i Redmond för att samla information och att sedan kunna uppdatera våra partners.

På vårat roundtable i Lyngby (strax utanför Köpenhamn) kommer Sven Noomen, PTS hos QBS group, att dela med sig av sin kunskap från LEAP så att du kan planera för ditt företag och få ett övertag på konkurrenterna!

Du kommer att uppdateras om ”Building for the Cloud” och ”Deploying for the Cloud”:

  • Microsoft’s long term general vision
  • Microsoft DATA & AI strategy
  • How to leverage PowerAPP’s and Flow for your industry solution
  • The latest on serverless computing
  • Long term vision on Office 365
  • Impact on the Dynamics Products of these long term strategy plans

Anmälan & Pris

Deltag på detta roundtable där du får det viktigaste från LEAP kring Microsofts produktstrategier för bl.a. Business Central.

1 utbildningsvoucher (SEK 4.500).
Anmälan blir bindande två veckor innan evenemanget.


QBS teamet


D365 Transformation – Change or Get Lost 7. maj

Kan ditt företag hantera transformationen?

Den nya “Market-distorting Business Model” vänder upp och ner på hur vi lyckas nå framgång. Den så kallade ”Disruptive Model” har betydande inverkan på prissättning, kvalitet, konkurrens och lagar och förordningar.

ERP-marknaden, som vi har känt den i många år, finns inte mer. Vi står inför grundläggande förändringar som är så radikala att det skakar om hela ERP-industrin. Företag som vill överleva måste vara villiga och kunna anpassa sig snabbt – Change or get lost!

QBS group har levererat Business Transformation-workshops till mer än 150 Dynamics-partners i mer än 30 länder under de senaste 36 månaderna.

6 av de viktigaste trenderna vi har observerat under de senaste tre åren är:

  1. Moderna ERP-slutanvändare är mindre riskbenägna.
  2. IT-avdelningen har begränsat inflytande på beslutsprocessen, medan affärsmän har fått större inflytande.
  3. Prenumerationsmodellen är utgångspunkten för fler och fler köpare.
  4. Behovet av standardiserade lösningar ökar kraftigt jämfört med kundanpassade lösningar där behovet minskar.
  5. Ändrad prioritet av argument för att välja ERP-lösning: Implementeringshastighet (tid till värde) blir viktigare.
  6. ”Keep it Simple” framför komplexitet.

Agenda – Dynamics 365 Disruption workshop

  • Introduktion
  • Nuvarande utmaningar för Dynamics-partnerna
  • Change or get lost! – varför behöver du utvecklas för att komma vidare?
  • Marknadsföring är den nya försäljningen! – men vad betyder det för dig? Och för dina kompetenser och din kapacitet?
  • Efter att du kommit igång med Dynamics 365 kommer du att uppleva ett antal D365-konkurrenter. Så hur vill du sticka ut från mängden?
  • Microsoft AppSource tillsammans med Dynamics 365. Hur kan du uppnå maximal nytta?
  • Din försäljningsprocess måste vara både billigare och effektivare – måste du ändra ditt tillvägagångssätt och ha nya roller i försäljningen?
  • Snabbare och billigare leverans – hur börjar vi, var börjar vi?
  • “Churn Management” – vad ska du göra (och vad ska du inte göra) för att behålla prenumerationskunderna längre?
  • Dynamics 365 är slutet på fristående ERP- och CRM-lösningar – hur kommer den nya affärsmodellen att påverka ditt företag?
  • Hur startar du förändringsprocessen i din verksamhet?
  • Så här kan QBS stötta dig i transformationen!

OBS! Detta är inte en produktworkshop! Det handlar om att förändra köpbeteende, förändrad efterfrågan på marknaden och vikten av att reagera på förändringarna på det mest effektiva sättet. Därför är workshopen perfekt för alla Dynamics-partners, inklusive O365-partner, Hosting-leverantörer och BPO-partners.

Vad säger andra partners om  workshoppen?

Vad säger andra partners om workshopen?

  • “Jag blev övertygad om att marknadsföring = försäljning. Vi måste byta riktning!”
  • “Nu kan jag initiera förändringsprocessen i min workshop, jag vet vad vi kan förbättra och förändra”

Workshopen är tillägnad företagare och chefer inom försäljning, marknadsföring och affärsutveckling och leverans.

Vem håller i workshopen?

Workshopen kommer att levereras av Guus Crabbenborg. Guus är en erfaren utbildare i den internationella Microsoft Dynamics-världen. Under de senaste 36 månaderna har han deltagit i att utbilda mer än 150 Dynamics NAV och Dynamics GP-partners i mer än 30 länder inom denna nya affärsmodell. Hans tillvägagångssätt uppfattas av deltagarna som inspirerande, energisk, insiktsfull och något provocerande – men alltid med en glimt i ögat. Workshopen kommer att hållas på engelska.

Priset för att deltaga på denna värdefulla heldagsworkshop, inklusive mat, är en utbildningsvoucher (SEK 4.500).

Vi ser fram emot att välkomna dig till en spännande dag!

QBS teamet

Dynamics 365 Business Central – Product, Pricing and Packaging 14. juni

Vi upprepar succén

Få en överblick av ditt Dynamics 365 Business Case:

Cloud Surestep for Product, Pricing and Packaging training.

Få en inblick i Microsoft, Dynamics 365 och NAV online (Product), priser och rabattstrukturer (Pricing) samt i AppSource, Extensions, Value Propositions organisatoriska beslut (Packaging):

  • Product: Status Microsoft, Dynamics 365 och NAV online
  • Pricing: Priser och rabattstrukturer
  • Packaging: AppSource, Extensions, Value Propositions och organisatoriska beslut

Contents of the training:

It starts with the basics!

This training will give you the technical and business knowledge to setup and implement an effective Cloud Business in your organisation. This knowledge is crucial for cloud success.

For whom?

This training is preferably for the Program Manager responsible for the transition to or setup of the Cloud Business. Furthermore, the training is targeted at business owners and senior managers driving or supporting the cloud adoption strategy within a Microsoft Partner.

Who is your trainer?

This training is given by Sven Noomen. Having worked for Microsoft Dynamics NAV partners for 15 years, he knows the challenges you are facing. Last year Sven joined QBS and is responsible for the technical partner services delivered across Europe to QBS Partners. He is a frequent speaker at events and has a passion for technology. For QBS he is the sparring partner with Microsoft on topics like Cloud and technology adoption.


In this training, we will shortly revisit the cloud principles. The basic “need- to- knows” to be able to make right choices for your company. Making choices costs money, so let us be sure you have all the information needed. Are you going for Dynamics 365 or hosting or a hybrid environment? What is the impact of AppSource and what are the development options for the different platforms? How do you choose the right product / market combination and how do you package your IP? Are you going for direct or indirect CSP? What are your margins in the different models? How do you deliver services in a Cloud world?

These questions will be answered and the full Microsoft strategy for SMB will be explained. All available content from Directions and Inspire, if relevant, will be shared with you.

You will walk away with knowledge to define your Cloud strategy. You cannot afford to miss this training if you want to know what the impact of Dynamics 365 and the related product strategy is.

Pris: 1 Training Voucher (SEK 4.500)

Cloud Sure Step for Product, Pricing and Packaging 12. april

Vi upprepar succén

Få en överblick av ditt Dynamics 365 Business Case:

Cloud Surestep for Product, Pricing and Packaging training.

Få en inblick i Microsoft, Dynamics 365 och NAV online (Product), priser och rabattstrukturer (Pricing) samt i AppSource, Extensions, Value Propositions organisatoriska beslut (Packaging):

  • Product: Status Microsoft, Dynamics 365 och NAV online
  • Pricing: Priser och rabattstrukturer
  • Packaging: AppSource, Extensions, Value Propositions och organisatoriska beslut

Contents of the training:

It starts with the basics!

This training will give you the technical and business knowledge to setup and implement an effective Cloud Business in your organisation. This knowledge is crucial for cloud success.

For whom?

This training is preferably for the Program Manager responsible for the transition to or setup of the Cloud Business. Furthermore, the training is targeted at business owners and senior managers driving or supporting the cloud adoption strategy within a Microsoft Partner.

Who is your trainer?

This training is given by Sven Noomen. Having worked for Microsoft Dynamics NAV partners for 15 years, he knows the challenges you are facing. Last year Sven joined QBS and is responsible for the technical partner services delivered across Europe to QBS Partners. He is a frequent speaker at events and has a passion for technology. For QBS he is the sparring partner with Microsoft on topics like Cloud and technology adoption.


In this training, we will shortly revisit the cloud principles. The basic “need- to- knows” to be able to make right choices for your company. Making choices costs money, so let us be sure you have all the information needed. Are you going for Dynamics 365 or hosting or a hybrid environment? What is the impact of AppSource and what are the development options for the different platforms? How do you choose the right product / market combination and how do you package your IP? Are you going for direct or indirect CSP? What are your margins in the different models? How do you deliver services in a Cloud world?

These questions will be answered and the full Microsoft strategy for SMB will be explained. All available content from Directions and Inspire, if relevant, will be shared with you.

You will walk away with knowledge to define your Cloud strategy. You cannot afford to miss this training if you want to know what the impact of Dynamics 365 and the related product strategy is.

Pris: 1 utbildningsvoucher (SEK 4.500)

The impact of the higher update frequency on customer satisfaction (and your own business!)

Microsoft is moving all her business solutions into the cloud. One of the impacts is a much higher update frequency. As we speak, this frequency is changing from every two years to every year to every half year and even every quarter. Have you already figured out what the impact is on aspects like your knowledge levels, your support liabilities and the quality of your support?

In this edition of QBS Talks we’ll discuss the impact of this new update frequency on the long-term satisfaction of your SaaS customers. And on various other aspects of your business. After this session, you’ll walk away with a good understanding of the impact of frequent SaaS updates and a series of ideas to turn this into smart strategies.

Hot news from the eXtreme365 EMEA event

The most important Microsoft Dynamics partner event in the CRM domain is called eXtreme365. The EMEA edition will be delivered this year in Dubrovnik, Croatia from March 19th till 21st. Microsoft Dynamics partners can expect announcements, updates and new strategies around Dynamics 365.

Like every year, QBS group is attending eXtreme365 with a team of people. And for sure we will write another edition of our famous series of Business Reports for Dynamics partners.

But before doing that we want to inform you at first hand via QBS Talks about all this news just a few days after the event. You definitely don’t want to miss this webinar!

How to effectively present your winning proposal

Too often, proposals for new Microsoft Dynamics solutions are purely measured on price. And this increases the chance of discounts and the postponement of the decision. One of the main reasons for this is the way most sales people present their proposals.

In this edition of QBS Talks you’ll learn how to present your proposal in a more effective way. One that moves your prospect’s focus away from price towards quality and business value. We will discuss the main characteristics of the decision-making process and the role that buying emotions play. After this session you’ll walk away with a good understanding of how to win more deals by effectively presenting your proposal.

Why should I care about IoT as an Microsoft D365/NAV partner?

Adoption of Internet of Things solutions across industries continues to accelerate, and Microsoft is leading on innovation to power these solutions.

Please join us in this hosted Microsoft webinar by Tony Krijnen around IoT and which business opportunities this might bring you as an NAV partner today. During this webinar you will get some insights on how easy it is to build and set up Internet of Things (IoT) solutions with Microsoft Azure. You will learn and see some vertical business IoT examples and which commercial opportunities this might bring you for your existing customers or future customers.



  • Introduction IoT
  • Vertical IoT business examples
  • Live demo; building an IoT solution in Azure
  • Call to action
  • Q&A

The CSP Direct model is like an iceberg | Webinar

At QBS group we believe that our partners deserve the best. The best support, the best software and the best stories. A couple of months ago we have asked one of our UK partners, Creative Business Systems, to share their thoughts and experiences with you on their journey to the cloud. We asked Amit Wason if he could share his experience with you on the matter of a direct or indirect approach. We wrote a blog about his experience.

CSP inDirect

On the 19th of February Nelson Tavares da Silva will be the host of our webinar explaining what it all means when you are considering to collaborate with an Indirect Cloud Solution Provider for your Microsoft cloud offering. Amit Wason from Creative Business Systems will share during the webinar his findings with you becoming an Indirect CSP.

A smart choice, because selecting an Indirect CSP means that you can start reselling Dynamics 365 and Office 365 directly without big investments upfront. On top of that, selecting QBS group as your Microsoft Indirect CSP is the perfect match!

If you’re deciding to become a CSP partner, this is a session you don’t want to miss!


QBShare Nordic 2018

Stärk nätverket och få senaste nytt om Microsoft Dynamics 365!

Tisdagen den 13 november håller vi vår årliga partnerdag (på engelska) för Microsoft Dynamics-partners hos Microsoft i Lyngby, norr om Köpenhamn.



8.00 – 9.00         Registration & Breakfast
9.00 – 9.15         Welcome to QBShare Nordic 2018
9.15 – 10.45      Dynamics 365 – Explore Business Central – Part 1
10.45 – 11.15    Coffee break
11.15 – 12.00    Dynamics 365 – Explore Business Central – Part 2
12.00 – 12.15    ISV pitch – Solutions that adds value
12.15 – 13.00    Lunch
13.00 – 14.00    Microsoft Keynote – Latest news on D365 Business Central – Deep dive on On-prem version
14.00 – 14.30    Successfully helping your customers on to the newest software
14.30 – 14.45    Competition
14.45 – 15.15    Coffee and cake break
15.15 – 16.00    Mystery guest
16.00 – 16.15    QBSuperstars of 2018


Hela dagen är kostnadsfri för QBS-partners.

För ISV: er är kostnaden för att ställa ut 3.495 kr.


Vi ser fram emot att träffa dig!


Vi ses!



Introduktion till Jet Reports

Vi är glada att kunna meddela att QBS Nordic har ingått ett ISV-samarbete med Jet Reports. Fokus ligger på att möjliggöra för QBS-partners att tillhandahålla rapporterings- och BI-tjänster baserade på Jet Reports produkter.

Många kämpar med att få ut relevant och aktuellt data från NAV på ett hanterbart sätt. Här kan Jet Reports hjälpa till med produkter som passar såväl små som stora företag inom alla branscher. Här finns också en möjlighet för dig som partner att tillgodose era kunders önskemål och samtidigt öka er beläggning. Den 30 januari kör Niels-Erik Hansen (som många av er är bekanta med) ett webbinar för att visa hur kraftfullt och samtidigt enkelt Jet Reports är. Många av er har hört talas om Jet Reports och kanske till och med sett produkten, passa på nu att få förståelse för varför Jet Reports är ett av de mest använda rapporterings- och BI-verktygen till NAV.

Webbinarets syfte
Du får möjlighet att förstå mer om hur Jet Reports kan hjälpa dina kunder att få bättre affärsinsikt med Jet Professional och Excel. Webinariet visar också hur Jet Enterprise kan hjälpa dig skapa en stark plattform för Power BI och tillhandahålla professionella instrumentpaneler från en eller flera datakällor.

Jag hoppas att få se så många som möjligt av er på detta webbinar, har ni frågor är ni välkomna att kontakta mig.

Bästa hälsningar
Johan Lundkvist
QBS Nordic

Creating the winning quotation

Your quotation is the first legal document in any sales cycle – both in a traditional face-to-face sales as in an online sale process.

On the one hand, your quotation is the commercial document that needs to support your proposition and motivates your prospects to take a positive decision. On the other hand, the document needs to limit your financial and legal risks. So how good is your standard quotation today? Our observation is that the clear majority is far from perfect. Often written ‘inside-out’, mainly focused on the partner interests and incomplete where the tasks and responsibilities of the customer are concerned.

In this edition of QBS Talks you’ll learn how to create an attractive and solid standard quotation, that will help you to win more deals and to deliver better projects. After this session, you’ll walk away with a good understanding of the topics you need to address in your quotation. And what can happen if you’re quotation is incomplete. To make things a bit easier for you, we will also introduce a framework that you can use to re-design your current standard quotation, if you want to.

If you’re active in sales or marketing, this is a session you don’t want to miss!

Has your customers ERP gone sour?

When was the last time your customer updated their PC or telephone with the latest update?

Last night? Last week? Last month? But probably not much longer back. And what about their ERP system? Two years ago? Three years? It is more likely that they are running a NAV version that is five years old or more, just like 70% of the companies using NAV.

Each year Microsoft releases a new version of Microsoft Dynamics NAV with new powerful features, so each year your customers Microsoft Dynamics NAV solution becomes outdated. But how can they stay up-to-date with this hectic schedule without spending too much time scoping, budgeting, approving, and planning the process?

To be quite honest: updating any ERP system is not as easy as 1-2-3 but we would like to introduce to you as our QBS partner to the process that comes as close to that as possible.

Dynamics Upgrade Service takes care of the upgrade of your customer’s current solution to a new NAV version.

The Dynamics Upgrade Service allows QBS partners to make more money with upgrading old legacy Navision installations (including Add-ons and Reports), release senior employees’ time, create customer end user satisfaction and most importantly, protect your current install base!

We would like to introduce you to a unique approach to upgrade your current NAV environment. We can offer you a fixed-price upgrade quote, including upgrade subscription and a state-of-the-art transformation and creation tool for reports. It even includes upgrading of all your current reports – which sometimes is only included as an afterthought in many upgrade projects. We offer you the full upgrade package, end-to-end.

In this webinar we will introduce to you this unique approach to upgrade your customers current NAV environment  – this is a session you definitely don’t want to miss!

Extensions 2.0 development för Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central – 5-6 september 2018!

Extensions 2.0 development för Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central – 5-6 september 2018!

Om du vill kunna hjälpa era kunder i framtiden så är det viktigt att kunna koda extensions.

Under dessa två dagar går vi igenom hur du kodar extensions så att du är redo för kommande och existerande versioner av NAV och Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Denna viktiga och efterlängtade utbildning kommer att levereras tillsammans med vår samarbetspartner 1ClickFactory.

Utbildningen hålls på engelska och du kommer att behöva ta med din egen dator.

Utbildningen hålls den 5-6 september 2018 kl. 09.00-16.00 hos Microsoft i Lyngby (strax utanför Köpenhamn dit du enkelt tar dig med tåg) och vänder sig till utvecklare med flera års erfarenhet.

Andrius Čyvas, NAV Team Lead hos 1ClickFactory, är lärare och kommer att ta dig igenom dessa två inspirerande dagar.


Dag 1 Dag 2
  • Introduction to Extensions
  • How/When to use Extensions (as a consultant)
  • Mindset for NAV Extensions development
  • Setting up an environment for Group Development of Extensions 2.0:

–    NAV development server

–    Visual Studio Code

–    Source control for Visual Studio Code

–    Customize Visual Studio code for NAV

–    Docker

–    Development

  • Overview of AL development language (and differences from C/AL) with NAV Development
  • Hands-on Extensions 2.0 development
  • Extension Manifest and packaging additional resources to Extension
  • Best practices for building modern user experience in Dynamics NAV
  • Developing extensions for on-premises vs D365


  • Events-driven NAV Development
  • Development with Extensions 2.0 toolkit:

–    Web services

–    Working with files (Text, XML, JSON)

–    Customize visual elements

  • Data handling when an extension is installed
  • Azure functions for .NET replacement
  • Reports
  • Case Scenario 2: Upgrade from Microsoft Dynamics NAV C\AL code to Extensions 2.0 in Visual Studio Code AL language:

–    Using Dynamics NAV PowerShell toolkit for working with NAV objects

–    Using txt2al C/AL to AL code conversion tool

–    Refactoring code not handled by automatic conversion

–    Designing and building data migration from an add-on to extension

  • How to get ready for Microsoft AppSource


Pris för QBS-partner: 2 utbildningsvouchers per person.
Pris för icke QBS-partners: SEK 12.400 per person.

Vi ser fram emot att välkomna dig till två dagar med en massa ny kunskap och nya erfarenheter.

Upgrade campaign with 1ClickFactory and ForNav

This webinar is to give you insights into:

  • Why are upgrades important? For you – and your customers
  • How to tell your customers about upgrades – ready to use campaign materials
  • Process for QBS Upgrade Service

When was the last time your customer updated their PC or telephone with the latest update?

Last night? Last week? Last month? But probably not much longer back. And what about their ERP system? Two years ago? Three years? It is more likely that they are running a NAV version that is five years old or more, just like 70% of the companies using NAV.

Microsoft continuously releases a new version of Microsoft Dynamics NAV with new powerful features, so your customers Microsoft Dynamics NAV implementation becomes outdated – slowly, but steadily. But how can they stay up-to-date with this hectic schedule without spending too much time scoping, budgeting, approving, and planning the process?

To be quite honest: updating any ERP system is not as easy as 1-2-3 but we would like to introduce to you as our QBS partner to the process that comes as close to that as possible.

Dynamics Upgrade Service takes care of the upgrade of your customer’s current solution to a new NAV version.

The Dynamics Upgrade Service allows QBS partners to make more money with upgrading old legacy Navision installations (including Add-ons and Reports), release senior employees’ time, create customer end user satisfaction and most importantly, protect your current install base!

We would like to introduce you to a unique approach to upgrade your current NAV environment. We can offer you a fixed-price upgrade quote, including upgrade subscription and a state-of-the-art transformation and creation tool for reports. It even includes upgrading of all your current reports – which sometimes is only included as an afterthought in many upgrade projects. We offer you the full upgrade package, end-to-end.

In this webinar we will introduce to you this unique approach to upgrade your customers current NAV environment  – as well as show you the to-customer campaign materials developed by QBS – free for you to use as a QBS partner.

This is a session you definitely don’t want to miss!



What’s new NAV 2018 webinar

This new version will contain a new set of functions and features that will be highlighted in this session, as understanding these new possibilities is crucial for your product and / or marketing plans.

This session will be presented by Sven Noomen (PTS at QBS group) and John Speulman (PTS at Microsoft).

The following topics will be addressed.

  • What’s new in the application
  • What’s new from an Office integration perspective
  • What’s new for accountants
  • What’s new in our platform / modern development tools

At the end of the session there will be time for a Q&A 

Want to be the first to be informed about NAV 2018?

Update on Dynamics 365 “Tenerife”

This series of webinars is intended to share the latest information on Dynamics 365. Both from a technical, functional and business perspective. Besides sharing information, we will also update on the services portfolio from QBS group to assist on the road to Dynamics 365.

Since “Inspire” is still a few months away, don’t miss this opportunity to stay on track with Dynamics 365 and sign up here.

When signing up you will be notified when the next webinar takes place (see dates on this page). Please note, that webinars are not identical, we will build upon along the way with knowledge on D365 as it becomes available from Microsoft.

Dates 2018

  • Thursday 27th of May | 16:00 – 16:30 CEST
  • Thursday 28th of June | 16:00 – 16:30 CEST

Update webinar on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement and PowerApps

Get the latest and greatest on the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement and PowerApps products.

This time focus is on:

Different options in connecting Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement to Business Central using Flow

Connecting Dynamics 365 Business Central or NAV 2018 is easy  using out of the box integration tools which comes with NAV 218 and Business Central – including basic replication of entities.

But – in most cases this is not what the customer needs. We see all kinds of scenarios  where customer demands differ significantly from that ‘standard’ integration scenario. We can have multiple Business Central databases that need to sync with one single Customer Engagement instance to split invoicing for example. Or having stock and pricing changes replicated only on specific dates.

Basically, we’ll need to have flexibility in how to create and manage these (and other) scenarios.

The nice thing is: you can!

In this session, we’ll present several options to set this up using Flow.

Hope to see you there!

NAV Update Webinar

This webinar will address issues, updates and new developments involving Microsoft Dynamics NAV with a major impact on your NAV development.

Want to be the first to be informed about the latest NAV Update webinar? Register now.

Watch here the NAV Update of 17 November 2016

In the November ‘NAV Update’ we will be focusing on changes related to NAV 2017. These subjects will be covered

  • NAV Licensing for 2017
  • Help content availability
  • System Requirements for Clients
  • Demo: Short tour of What’s New
  • Demo: How to set up the Outlook Add-in