General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) – a Microsoft perspective

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the most important change in data privacy regulation in 20 years – make sure you’re prepared.

On May 25, 2018 the new regulations around how we treat personal data in all EU countries* will come into effect. The key changes of the new regulations is much about introducing consequences to previously established rules from former directive, so if you’re not living up to these – this is the time to get your house in order. You may not think that these new regulations will have any effect on your business – simply because you don’t process personal information.

Well – you would be surprised what is considered “processing personal information”. Very few companies do not in some shape or form. E.g. if you support your custo- mers via remote help – that’s a case of a situation that require rules and processes to be described for cases of breaches.

On this session, the National Technology Officer of Microsoft Denmark, Ole Kjeldsen, gave an introduction into how Microsoft views the GDPR – what their advice to the industry is and also touch upon some of the things happening on the R&D front of Microsoft to comply with GDPR.

*The GDPR not only applies to organizations located within the EU but it will also apply to orga-nizations located outside of the EU if they offer goods or services to, or monitor the behavior of, EU data subjects. It applies to all companies processing and holding the personal data of data subjects residing in the European Union, regardless of the company’s location. That means that Brexit won’t exclude UK companies if they do business abroad.

7 razones para vender NAV

¡Hoy Dynamics NAV se encuentra en una posición interesante! Por un lado, es el sistema de ERP más exitoso en el mercado mundial mediano de lejos. Por otro lado, los recientes anuncios alrededor de Dynamics 365 crearon preguntas e incluso cierta confusión en torno a su futuro. ¿Te suena familiar?

En esta edición de QBS Talks te ofrecemos “7 fuertes argumentos para seguir vendiendo Dynamics NAV” como la opción más segura del mercado hoy en día, combinada con el futuro más brillante disponible. Te enseñaremos tres escenarios inteligentes para llevar a tu cliente potencial de la mano. Paso 1: permite que comience de forma segura con Dynamics NAV o CRM. Y el paso 2: guiarlos hacia un gran futuro de Dynamics 365 siempre que el producto esté completamente localizado y el momento de transición esté allí para ellos.

Después de ver este valioso video de 52 minutos, te alejarás con una buena comprensión de cómo posicionar tu solución Dynamics NAV aún mejor y más efectivamente en el siempre cambiante mundo de Microsoft. ¡Honestamente, para ti como partner de Dynamics NAV, perder-te esta sesión no es realmente una opción

Part 1 – Microsoft Dynamics Development Preview

Microsoft released during Christmas an Azure Virtual Machine where you can play around with the new Development Environment. In the coming months I will blog about the new NAV development environment.

In this first post you will find information about Azure subscription and how you can create your first app.


If you want to keep up with the latest from Microsoft you need to have an Azure subscription. Information can be found on: You can start with a free subscription.


The developer preview will be updated on a regular basis. Be aware that it is a preview so things you make can be broken in a next version. Follow the NAV team blog to see if a new version is available: If you run into any issues, please log them on GitHub project:


The new Azure Virtual Machine (VM) can be created via and provide the parameters to create it. The deployment will start and will take some time to finish.


In the end, you will see the VM with additional information.

When you click on Server1, the VM information will be displayed

Make sure you stop the VM in case you don’t require this.Once stopped (and thus dislocated) the hours won’t be invoiced by Microsoft.

Start a remote desktop application and connect to the virtual machine by using the DNS name label. When you stop / start your VM a new IP address will be provided, so connecting via the public IP address will work only once.


Start the new Development Environment called Visual Studio Code

If you compare the old (left) against the new (right) one, there are not that many changes 🙂

There is no Object Designer anymore, so you can start directly with coding. NB: Don’t type too fast as most of the information you want to see can be inputted via IntelliSense.

First you need to select a folder to store your files.


Create a file with the extension .al. This is a pre-requisite for NAV IntelliSense to work !

It is straight forward to create a new file and to create your first table

Compiling [F5] results in an error message, when you check the created app.json you are can see what issues may occur.

The installed NAV version is US, so the locale should be US.

As this is an addition to the standard NAV application, the standard navx files should be in C:\TEMP.

When everything goes as it should press [F5] to publish your app.