Create more leads and win more deals through customer education

These days, IT innovation develops faster than ever before in history. While that opens great opportunities for organisations all over the world, it also creates a lot of stress since failure is not a realistic option (anymore).

Here are some of the dilemma’s for your prospects and customers:

  • We know we must modernise our business processes to stay relevant. But how to change the organisation? And what is the best timing?
  • How can we measure the expected continuity of the vendors on our shortlist?
  • How can we motivate our team members to put full energy into the project?
  • Should we migrate to the cloud now or is it better to wait?
  • We want our staff to be more agile in their thinking and their ability to change. But how do we get there? And what is the exemplary behavior needed from the management?
  • How can we avoid that Digital Transformation turns into ‘just another IT project’ with even more complexity?
  • How can modern IT tools support us in putting our customers first?

Where are your customers today?

In order to keep up with the competition, your projects must be successful in the first attempt. With a short Time-to-Value. Unfortunately, most of your existing and future SMB customers don’t have the knowledge, the persuasion nor the power to take the best decisions. Most of them select and implement for the first or second time in their lives. As a result, that creates big uncertainty. So it’s no wonder that ‘No Decision’ has developed into everybody’s biggest competitor these days!

Customer education

Modern and innovative Microsoft Dynamics partners focus on educating their customers and help them prepare for Successful Projects. Rather than pushing their solutions. This attitude not only helps them to create more leads and win more deals. It also secures the right support from their customers’ top-management when implementing these solutions.

About this webinar

In this free, 40 minutes webinar, Guus Krabbenborg will share his observations and the results he has achieved by his extensive customer education activities. He will inspire you regarding the best way to approach customers and prospects. Next to that, he will also position three different education formats. And shares the options he sees for your company to start delivering one or more of these formats yourself shortly. Guus has been delivering ERP and CRM Masterclasses to potential buyers ever since 2005.

This is a webinar that you definitely don’t want to miss!

Microsoft Dynamics 365 CE – update on price changes

Microsoft is introducing new database storage pricing plans for PowerApps, Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement which will come into effect on 1 April, 2019

As your trusted advisor on Dynamics we offer you a short webinar where we will be going through these changes and offer you some advise on how you should tackle.

Online QBShare – EM Countries

Communication is key! At QBS group we want to make sure that we have the best informed Dynamics partners in the world.

We cordially invite you to our QBShare on Monday 19th of November. We have an exciting agenda. Take a look at what you have planned:


Intro and welcome
Highlights Directions EMEA 2018
Business Central in EM countries
QBS group activities in EM Countries


Nelson Tavares da Silva

Responsible for developing (partner) business opportunities in new and existing geographies for QBS group.

Having gained an economical education in Amsterdam (HES Amsterdam) he built a strong career within ICT in a wide variety of positions, ranging from network administrator to cloud business development (direct and indirect).

“I believe in the strength of partnerships, passionate people, healthy life balance and generating visible results.”

Specialties: Cloud and network infrastructure, Cloud Strategy & Planning, Account Management, Go-to-Market, Channel sales and Channel management.

Jos van der Lee

Ik ben een zeer gedreven en ervaren sales professional met bijna 20 jaar ervaring in sales (management) rollen en rollen waarin partner management aan de orde was. Ik ben de gelukkige eigenaar van een uniek combi aan competenties: een drive om new business te doen samen met de capaciteit om op lange(re) termijn te denken en te werken aan het bouwen en onderhouden van langdurige relaties. Transparantie en vertrouwen zijn sleutelwoorden voor mij; “what you see is what you get”. Ik beloof wat ik kan leveren en daarna lever ik wat ik beloofd heb. In mijn rol als Partner Account Manager binnen QBS group geldt maar één doel: onze partners succesvol laten zijn op basis van een gezamenlijke en doelgerichte inspanning!

NAV Update Webinar

This webinar will address issues, updates and new developments involving Microsoft Dynamics NAV with a major impact on your NAV development.

Want to be the first to be informed about the latest NAV Update webinar? Register now.

Watch here the NAV Update of 17 November 2016

In the November ‘NAV Update’ we will be focusing on changes related to NAV 2017. These subjects will be covered

  • NAV Licensing for 2017
  • Help content availability
  • System Requirements for Clients
  • Demo: Short tour of What’s New
  • Demo: How to set up the Outlook Add-in

QBS Talks

C’est quoi “QBS Talks” et pourquoi vous y serait intéressé?

“Les partenaires du QBS group sont les partenaires Microsoft les meilleurs informés!” c’est un mantra chez groupe QBS. Pourtant, nous voulons faire plus que tenir nos partenaires informés – nous voulons inspirer – et parfois même provoquer….

Nous croyons en le pouvoir de partager les idées neuves et inspirantes, des expériences ou tout simplement de la matière à réflexion sur les nouveaux sujets d’intérêt communs – ainsi, croyons-nous, nous aurons tous encore plus de succès.

Au sein du programme “QBS Talks” nous introduisons des conférenciers divers- que ce soit du QBS group, des partenaires Microsoft ou des industries externes.

“QBS Talks” est un plateforme […] où s’opère un échange d’idées sur des sujets divers – techniques ainsi que commerciaux. Le seul dénominateur commun en étant qu’elles soient pertinentes pour le revendeur des solutions Microsoft Dynamics – notre auditoire ciblé – et ceux que nous sommes appelés à servir.

Free NAV Webinars by To-Increase

Our ISV partner To-Increase will host a series of free NAV webinars.

In these webinars you’ll learn how To-Increase’s large portfolio of ISV solutions, such as NAV Anywhere en Quality Management, can help you grow your business and serve your customers even better.

Go to To-Increase NAV webinars