Cloud Sure Step for Product, Pricing and Packaging 12. april
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Få en överblick av ditt Dynamics 365 Business Case:
Cloud Surestep for Product, Pricing and Packaging training.
Få en inblick i Microsoft, Dynamics 365 och NAV online (Product), priser och rabattstrukturer (Pricing) samt i AppSource, Extensions, Value Propositions organisatoriska beslut (Packaging):
- Product: Status Microsoft, Dynamics 365 och NAV online
- Pricing: Priser och rabattstrukturer
- Packaging: AppSource, Extensions, Value Propositions och organisatoriska beslut
Contents of the training:
It starts with the basics!
This training will give you the technical and business knowledge to setup and implement an effective Cloud Business in your organisation. This knowledge is crucial for cloud success.
For whom?
This training is preferably for the Program Manager responsible for the transition to or setup of the Cloud Business. Furthermore, the training is targeted at business owners and senior managers driving or supporting the cloud adoption strategy within a Microsoft Partner.
Who is your trainer?
This training is given by Sven Noomen. Having worked for Microsoft Dynamics NAV partners for 15 years, he knows the challenges you are facing. Last year Sven joined QBS and is responsible for the technical partner services delivered across Europe to QBS Partners. He is a frequent speaker at events and has a passion for technology. For QBS he is the sparring partner with Microsoft on topics like Cloud and technology adoption.
In this training, we will shortly revisit the cloud principles. The basic “need- to- knows” to be able to make right choices for your company. Making choices costs money, so let us be sure you have all the information needed. Are you going for Dynamics 365 or hosting or a hybrid environment? What is the impact of AppSource and what are the development options for the different platforms? How do you choose the right product / market combination and how do you package your IP? Are you going for direct or indirect CSP? What are your margins in the different models? How do you deliver services in a Cloud world?
These questions will be answered and the full Microsoft strategy for SMB will be explained. All available content from Directions and Inspire, if relevant, will be shared with you.
You will walk away with knowledge to define your Cloud strategy. You cannot afford to miss this training if you want to know what the impact of Dynamics 365 and the related product strategy is.
Pris: 1 utbildningsvoucher (SEK 4.500)
Scandic Eremitage
Lyngby Storcenter, Klampenborgvej 230
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
12 april 2018
9:00 - 16:30
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Cloud Sure Step PPP træning: