Partner in de spotlight: Ultimum

In onze serie “Partner in de spotlight” hebben we deze keer onze QBS Group partner Ultimum. Drieëntwintig jaar geleden is Ultimum als startup gestart en is inmiddels uitgegroeid tot een landelijke IT-speler die streeft naar een verbonden, veilige en betrouwbare samenleving. Klanten die zij op dit moment bedienen zijn onder andere: eBay, Shell, KPN en ING.

In dit interview deelt Richard ten Katen zijn visie over hoe de ICT-markt er over vijf jaar uitziet en hoe Ultimum hierop gaat inspelen. In dit inspirerende interview laat hij ook weten nooit groot fan te zijn geweest van Microsoft. Maar nu moet toegeven dat Microsoft met de lancering van Microsoft Dynamics 365 en het Powerplatform een zeer sterke propositie op de markt heeft gebracht. Tot slot laat Richard ook weten hoe hij de samenwerking ervaart met QBS Group en de meerwaarde die hij ziet in de samenwerking met andere QBS Group partners.

Bekijk hier het volledige interview:

QBS Group Ultimum

Dynamics 365 Update Webcast 25 June 2020

This series of webcasts is intended to share the latest information on Microsoft Dynamics 365 and related ISV solutions, both from a technical, functional and business perspective.
And along the year we will keep you informed about the latest news from Microsoft biggest events like Inspire, Directions ASIA, North America and EMEA.

Topics – 25 June 2020

Part 1: Dynamics 365 Business Central Update
Dynamics 365 Business Central Update (13 Minutes)

Part 2: Dynamics 365 Update
Dynamics 365 Update (12 Minutes)

Part 3: ForNav a quick demo
ForNav a quick demo (7 Minutes)

Dynamics 365 Update Webcast

Dynamics 365 Update Webcast

Dynamics 365 CRM Update Webcast 24 June 2020

Get the latest insights from Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM

This series of webcasts is intended to share the latest information on Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM, both from a technical, functional and business perspective.

In this webcast, we present in just 45 minutes the most important updates around Dynamics 365 Customer and Field Service.

Dynamics 365 CRM Update Webcast

Dynamics 365 Update Webcast

Dynamicweb gaat samenwerking aan met QBS Group

Dynamicweb is officieel partner van het grootste en snelst groeiende internationale netwerk van Microsoft Dynamics partners, QBS Group.

Dynamicweb blijft groeien in de Benelux en zet een grote stap in haar expansie door samen te werken met Quattro Business Solutions (QBS Group). Met deze samenwerking haakt Dynamicweb vooral slim in op het grote Dynamics NAV/Business Central netwerk in Nederland en België om via partnerkanalen het marktaandeel verder uit te breiden.

Met de focus op de Dynamics community, is de samenwerking tussen Dynamicweb en QBS Group een logische stap gezien het Dynamicweb platform perfect integreert met Microsoft oplossingen. Door middel van het ISV programma van QBS Group richt Dynamicweb zich op de uitbreiding van het huidige partnerkanaal, om tegelijkertijd de kwaliteit van het netwerk te verbeteren en perfecte oplossingen te leveren.

“Het is goed om partner te zijn van het QBS netwerk. QBS brengt NAV en BC partijen samen met ISV’s als Dynamicweb. Het biedt ons de mogelijkheid om sneller op te schalen in ons partner netwerk met de ondersteuning van QBS.” – Harry van Rossum, Country Manager Benelux, Dynamicweb.

“Dynamicweb is een interessante partij voor onze partners. Er liggen mooie kansen in de groeiende markt van e-commerce. De oplossing van Dynamicweb is hierop een goed antwoord. Ik ben daarom ook zeer verheugd Dynamicweb als ISV binnen ons netwerk te mogen ontvangen” aldus Nelson Tavares da Silva van QBS group.

From NAV via Business Central on-premises to Cloud

In this time of digital transformation, it is recommended to bring licenses to the cloud.

If a customer is not ready yet for the Cloud, it is advised to first transfer the customer to Business Central on-premises. The customer then has all the benefits of the new Business Central version and can take the time to switch to Business Central in the Cloud. Microsoft recommends transferring these customers to Business Central Version 14 (April 2019 release). This is the latest version that offers both C/AL and AL and is the starting point to proceed to Business Central Cloud.
Please note: it is possible to upgrade to Business Central Version 14 until October 1st, 2020. From October 1st, 2020, it is only possible to go to Business Central version 15 and from this version on, only AL is available.

NAV to Business Central-on premises

Customers with a NAV on-premises license1 can upgrade to a Business Central on-premises license2 free of charge. The only condition for this is to have an active enhancement plan (BREP). Because concurrent users in the NAV license go to named users in the Business Central license, Microsoft gives a transition ratio for users of 1:33. For all users (full and limited users) purchased before May 1st, 2019, a customer will receive 3 users in the Business Central license. For all users purchased after May 1st, 2019, the customer will receive 1 user at transition.

Limited users will be converted to Team members. The conversion of full users to Essential or Premium users depends on the current NAV license (see table 1). If a customer would receive Essential users after the transition, it is possible to switch to Premium users. If a customer receives Premium users and they rather have Essential users, then this can only be indicated at the time of transition. After the transition, this is no longer possible.


1 NAV Subscription licenses cannot upgrade to Business Central. These subscriptions must be cancelled and a new Business Central license must be purchased.

2 The upgrade is free of charge as long as no deactivations in the license have taken place after 1 October 2018.

3 There is currently no end date for the 1:3 ratio.


Table 1. User type when upgrading from NAV to Business Central


NAV License model Edition User type in Business Central
MBL – Module Based License Any Premium
BRL – Business Ready License Advanced Management (AM) Premium
Business Essentials (BE) Essentials
Perpetual Extended Pack Premium
No Extended Pack Essentials



Business Central on-premises to Cloud

If a customer has a Business Central on-premises license, they can choose to go to a Business Central license in the Cloud. Because an investment has already been made when purchasing the on-premises license, Microsoft offers a transition promotion to the Cloud, where the customer gets a 40% discount on the users. The only condition for this is that the customer has an active enhancement plan (BREP). The following applies for the discount:

  • The discount applies to all users in the Business Central on-premises license.
  • Not all users need to be ordered at once for the Business Central Cloud license. The customer can purchase a number of users first and later on more users.
  • The discount may be used for the same number of users as in the Business Central on-premises license.
  • If the customer wants more users in the cloud license than there are in the on-premises license, the regular price and not the discount applies for the extra users.


Case study

Customer Contoso has a NAV Perpetual license with Extended Pack, 20 users and an active enhancement plan. They want to upgrade to Business Central, but are not ready yet for the cloud, and choose to go to a Business Central on-premises license first.

For the 20 users in the NAV license, they receive 60 Premium users in the Business Central on-premises license. Over time they will be ready for the cloud and can take advantage of the discount. They do not need all 60 users in the cloud yet and start with 30 users. Later they need more users and order another 30 users with the discount for the cloud license. The business is doing well and they need even more users. Because they had 60 users in the Business Central on-premises license and now have 60 users in the Business Central Cloud license, they can no longer take advantage of the discount and will have to buy the users at the regular price.

Best practices of migrating your customer to Business Central SAAS

“Migrating Dynamics NAV customers to Dynamics 365 Business Central SAAS – Now’s the time!”

Already several of our partners are active in approaching their customers and showing successes in their process of migrating customers to Business Central SAAS. Of course, not all the projects went as smoothly as they were planned, but all these partners have finalized their projects successfully. In this video blog Mark Brummel will share his best practices.

This vlog is interesting for all Business Central partners as well for technical people, as for sales or business owners. This video is a must-see if you want to survive in the new Dynamics 365 world.

Target audience
Sales, business owners, consultants, and developers

After watching this video, you have learned more about the ideal migration path and it will give you new ideas on how to set this up for your own customers.

Video: Best practices of migrating your customer to Business Central SAAS

Best Practices Of Migrating Your Customer To Business Central SAAS

Dynamics 365 and Power Platform licensing model explained

Get the latest insights from Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM

This series of webcasts is intended to share the latest information on Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM, both from a technical, functional and business perspective.

In this webcast, we present in just 60 minutes the most important updates around licensing and pricing of Dynamics 365 CRM and Power Platform.

Dynamics 365 CRM Update Webcast

Dynamics 365 Update Webcast

Bedrijven met een Dynamics Enhancement Plan kunnen nu ook naar maandbetaling via het Microsoft CSP programma (BREP to CSP)

Met een speciale promo biedt Microsoft haar klanten aan om het onderhoudsplan voor hun on-premises Dynamics ERP-licentie naar het Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) -programma over te zetten. Met deze aanbieding biedt Mircosoft haar klanten aan om eenvoudig over te stappen en kennis te maken met de unieke voordelen van het Cloud Solution Programma en zo direct te laten profiteren van de mogelijkheid voor maandbetaling.

Microsoft Dynamics Enhancement Plan To CSP

Met het “CSP-Enhancement Plan Renewal Offer”, dat de afgelopen dagen door Microsoft is geïntroduceerd, kunnen klanten hun Dynamics GP, NAV, SL of Business Central on-premises Enhancement Plan, wat ook wel “BREP” wordt genoemd, vernieuwen via zijn of haar Microsoft CSP-partner. In plaats van een jaarlijkse Enhancement Plan-betaling, betaalt de klant nu deze per maand voor hetzelfde totaalbedrag.

Bent u een Dynamics partner en wilt u dit gaan voorstellen bij uw klanten, maar u wilt nog nader advies, wij als QBS Group kunnen u als partner verder begeleiden in dit traject. Neem vandaag nog contact op. We staan voor u klaar.

Live webinar van HB Software Business Central in de intelligente cloud – “Het smaakt naar meer”

HB Software is enorm trots dat het eerste in samenwerking met QBS Group en Microsoft georganiseerde live webinar zo’n succes is geweest. HB Software presenteerde daar de eerste app in de AppSource: Exsion Reporting. Het was voor ons de eerste keer dat we op deze manier onze klanten hebben bereikt. Wij hadden niet gedacht dat het zoveel deelnemers zou aanspreken. We hadden 121 mensen tijdens de uitzending. Dat was een hoge opkomst, want er hadden zich circa 150 klanten aangemeld.

Door de coronacrisis waren we genoodzaakt om een manier te bedenken hoe we een noodzakelijk onderwerp als Business Central en de intelligente cloud konden voorleggen aan onze klanten. Ook al is een live event, waar je je klanten de hand kunt geven en elkaar recht in de ogen aan kunt kijken, de meest ideale situatie, een live webinar is een heel goed en ook nog eens financieel aantrekkelijk alternatief. Een bijkomend voordeel is dat het de deelnemers veel minder tijd kost. Ze hoeven niet te reizen en kunnen gemakkelijk een uurtje inroosteren vanuit hun werkplek. Ook het aspect van interactie gaat niet verloren, tijdens een live webinar kunnen via de chat vragen worden gesteld, die zoveel mogelijk direct worden beantwoord. Hierdoor is een live webinar geen statisch gebeuren, waar je alleen maar naar kunt luisteren.

HB Software QBS group

In een gesprek met QBS Group kwam een mooi programma tot stand. Microsoft heeft Jan Brouwer, Business Group Lead Dynamics, gevraagd om te vertellen over de laatste ontwikkelingen en trends op het gebied van de cloud bij Microsoft. Daarnaast heeft HB Software laten zien welke stappen zij heeft genomen om klaar te zijn voor de cloud en wat klanten moeten doen. Als mooi voorbeeld van een app die al in de AppSource staat is Exsion Reporting gepresenteerd. Deze app maakt het mogelijk dat in de SaaS-versie van Business Central in Excel rapporten worden gemaakt, zoals 1000 klanten dat nu al jaren on-premises/gehost doen.

Voor HB Software zal dit zeker niet het laatste webinar zijn. De reacties van onze klanten waren lovend. Voor ons smaakt het naar meer, hier gaan we zeker een vervolg aan geven.

Bekijk hier de webinar

Dynamics 365 CRM Update Webcast 11 May 2020

Get the latest insights from Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM

This series of webcasts is intended to share the latest information on Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM, both from a technical, functional and business perspective.

In this webcast, we present in just 45 minutes the most important updates form Microsoft Business Applications Summit 2020.

Dynamics 365 CRM Update Webcast

Dynamics 365 Update Webcast

Dynamics 365 Update Webcast 7 May 2020

This series of webcasts is intended to share the latest information on Microsoft Dynamics 365 and related ISV solutions, both from a technical, functional and business perspective.
And along the year we will keep you informed about the latest news from Microsoft biggest events like Inspire, Directions ASIA, North America and EMEA.

Topics – 7 May 2020

Part 1 : Dynamics 365 Business Central Update
Dynamics 365 Business Central Update (16 Minutes)

Part 2: Dynamics 365 Update
Dynamics 365 Update (10 Minutes)

Part 3: Power BI with HillStar – All essential reports from Microsoft Dynamics ERP are immediately available in Power BI
Birds Power BI – HillStar (10 Minutes)

Dynamics 365 Update Webcast

Dynamics 365 Update Webcast

Partner Care Update April 2020

Office 365 E1 Trial now available to CSP partners

As of April 1, 2020, Microsoft has made a new Office 365 E1 Trial available to purchase in CSP. The offer has been made available on the price list to address the recent increase in remote working.
Impacted audience

All partners transacting in the Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) program. People and teams around the world are moving to remote working arrangements. Partners are quickly adjusting to support their customers and in turn, Microsoft is adjusting too. Therefore they are excited to announce a new Office 365 E1 Trial in CSP, created specifically to support the partner response to the growing needs for remote and smart working. This trial offer is available from April 1, 2020, until further notice.

CSP Office 365 E1 Trial is now available in addition to the current Microsoft Teams CSP Trial (which has no Exchange and 2GB of storage). The new trial will have equivalent functionality to the Office 365 E1 trial, and it will provide 6 months of free use for up to 3,000 users. Available through CSP, this offer allows partners to initiate and manage the trial experience.

Offer ID

  • Display name: Office 365 E1 Trial
  • Trial offer ID: c0c1386f-4a95-466b-8974-cefd71414def

This offer has been made available immediately to purchase on the production price list from April 1, 2020.

Next steps

Check the Partner Center and partner resources regularly as we will be publishing more guidance in the coming week.

Transition to Business Central – Order Issue

When you want to upgrade the license of your customer to Business Central on-premises and the customer has SQL Server Runtime in their license, it could happen that you receive a message that you are required to purchase the protected list price value of a certain amount before you can do the upgrade.

You would normally receive this message if modules have been deactivated in the customer’s license. In some cases, however, this message shows, while there have been no deactivations of modules. This is an error in the Microsoft system and it is not needed to purchase any modules for the upgrade.

If this is the case for one of your customers, please contact us via the Service Desk and we will work together with Microsoft to upgrade the license of your customer without the extra costs.

Microsoft Customer Agreement

Starting February 1, 2020, the Microsoft Customer Agreement replaced the previous Microsoft Cloud Agreement for customers purchasing via the CSP program. The Microsoft Customer Agreement needs to be accepted for new purchases and seat count changes to existing subscriptions.

Our CSP Resellers can accept the Microsoft Customer Agreement for their customers in the QBS CSP Platform. You will see a notification as shown in the image below that the MCA needs to be accepted. If there is no notification, the MCA has already been accepted for that customer.

PartnerSource retirement date postponed

Microsoft planned on retiring the PartnerSource website on April 17th, 2020. They have now decided to postpone the retirement of PartnerSource, until the second half of 2020 (H1FY21). Once a new retirement date is determined, this will be shared.

The new landing page for PartnerSource is already live on the Microsoft partner website where you can access Dynamics on-premises resources.

Microsoft MPN Competency Extension

Microsoft received feedback that it is challenging for partners to meet requirements and renew existing MPN competencies in the current situation. Therefore, if your competency anniversary date is between January 1 and June 30, 2020, Microsoft is extending the existing competency or competencies through your next anniversary date in 2021.

You might need to take action in Partner Center to take advantage of the extension. Information specific to your organization will be available in Partner Center later this month.

Major Updates of Business Central Online

This article provides an overview of what you need to know about how a major Business Central update rolls out. It includes key dates, actions you need to take, and answers to some common questions.

As announced in the blog post, Microsoft is making some changes to the update schedules in April in response to COVID-19. The 2020 release wave 1, April updates will be generally available as mentioned in the Dynamics 365 and Power Platform release plans.

However, we are making some changes to the release schedule. Specifically for Business Central, existing customers have 60 days to upgrade after the new version is generally available.

For a general overview, see Dynamics 365 release schedule and early access. For more information about the steps that you must take, see Managing Major and Minor Updates of Business Central Online.

See the full post here 

Dynamics 365 Business Central Attach Model

Dynamics 365 Business Central Attach Model for D365 licencing available from BC 2020 wave1. With this possibility, you have the option to attach Sales Professional or Customer Service Professional for a reduced price to your Business Central license.

Visit our Online VILTs catalogue

We have created a very easy to understand brochure in Sway, allowing you to understand learning journeys in our QBS Academy. This brochure also introduces you to “Playlists” within the Academy which are path-driven for each type of learning persona. Whether you are looking to boost your Business Central or Customer Engagement knowledge or wanting to learn Power Platform, there is a Playlist for everyone.

View brochure here

Additional Storage SKU’s for Business Central

The storage limit of a Business Central SaaS tenant is currently 80GB. With 2020 wave 1 release, Microsoft will offer additional SKU’s for additional storage. At $40 USD. a month per GB it’s rather expensive, but at least it’s a sign that Microsoft is also opening Business Central SaaS for customers with large databases.

eBook – Questions you need to prepare answers to when selling Cloud-based solutions

Questions that Dynamics Partners are asked by potential cloud-based solutions customers typically involve:

  • Pricing,
  • Technical questions about new versions or update,
  • How to switch to another Partner,
  • Security, backups and disaster recovery.

Download this e-book to get prepared to answer them when selling your cloud-based solutions.

Azure Performance in these times.

“A 775% growth in usage of Azure Services leads Microsoft to implement a few temporary restrictions designed to balance the best possible experience for all customers. For example, the resolution of video in Microsoft Teams has been temporary adjusted”.

Read the blog here


Microsoft announced that it would be updating the names of its Office 365 subscriptions for small and medium businesses (SMBs). The new naming will go into effect on April 21, 2020. There are no price, feature, or business model changes to commercial subscriptions.

  • Office 365 Business subscriptions are becoming Microsoft 365 for business subscriptions. This includes Office 365 Business Essentials, Office 365 Business Premium, and Microsoft 365 Business.
  • Standalone commercial desktop client subscriptions are becoming Microsoft 365 Apps subscriptions. This includes Office 365 Business and Office 365 ProPlus.
  • Consumer Office 365 subscriptions are becoming Microsoft 365 subscriptions. Learn more about consumer Microsoft 365.

Watch our video presentation and visit our partner resource page to familiarize yourself with the commercial changes and find out how to make the transition to the new naming.

IMPORTANT: Extended upgrade window for the 2020 release wave 1 update

As announced in the blog post, Microsoft is making some changes to the update schedules in April in response to COVID-19. The 2020 release wave 1, April updates will be generally available as mentioned in the Dynamics 365 and Power Platform release plans.

However, we are making some changes to the release schedule. We will provide our customers and partners with an extended window for the 2020 release wave 1 update of Dynamics 365 Business Central online. The upgrade window will be extended from 30 days to 60 days. This should help customers to uptake the 2020 release wave 1 update when it is most convenient.

Read full post

PartnerSource Business Center – Modules missing in Order Central

There is currently an issue in Order Central in PartnerSource Business Center, which could cause that you are not able to see and order all available modules. Microsoft informed that it is because their system is doing updates for the new Version 16, but unfortunately it can take up to the end of April to be fixed.

If you need to order a module, that is currently not available in Order Central, please fill in the Price List and create a case via the QBS Service Desk. Microsoft will create the order manually or make the modules available in PSBC for you to order it.

The Price Lists are available via the QBS Partner Portal and via these links: 

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central on-premises Pricelist 

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Perpetual on-premises Pricelist 

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 Pricelist 

Responding to COVID-19: Microsoft Partner Network update

Please see the latest blog post on April 2 from Gavriella Schuster, CVP, One Commercial Partner, as she shares “the health and well-being of our customers, partners, suppliers, and employees are our ultimate priority right now. And while there is uncertainty around the world, there is also a lot of hope, with incredible examples of partnership and innovation in the face of exceptionally challenging times.”

In her March 16 blog post, she shared some initial resources to help enable remote work for your customers and your own organizations.

Microsoft Teams Trial – Free of Charge

Microsoft has made a limited version of Microsoft Teams available to customers, free of charge for a period of six months. The SKU is called “Microsoft Teams Commercial Cloud (user-initiated) Trial” and is available via the QBS CSP Platform. If your customers already have Office 365 or Microsoft 365 licenses, Microsoft Teams is already included and it only needs to be activated.

Please see this document for instructions on how to order the SKU for your customers and activate the users to utilize this functionality.

CfMD – Certified for Microsoft Dynamics – Business Central

The CfMD (Certified for Microsoft Dynamics) process can raise some questions. We have created a document with all steps to be taken in this process, for both Business Central On-premises and Business Central SaaS.

Please find the document on our QBS Group Partner Portal

CSP Limited Offer – 25% discount on net new Dynamics 365 Sales Professional

Microsoft is offering a promo for net new Dynamics 365 Sales Professional seats. SMB Customers already using Office are eligible to make use of a discounted SKU.

  • Existing Office SMB customers (25 to 300 seats)
  • Minimum purchase requirement of 10 seats
  • Maximum purchase of 75 seats – above 75 seats will not be applicable for discount
  • Valid from November 1st 2019 to June 30th 2020
  • SKU: Dynamics 365 for Sales Professional (SMB Offer)
  • Valid for up to 3 years or until the license is cancelled. The discounted price will be discontinued when the qualifying licenses expire or after two terms. At that point, customers will need to buy a relevant offering at the regular price.

Offer available in Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK and MEA (South Africa and UAE).  

Read more here 

Error message when placing an on-premise transition order in PSBC

There is a bug in PartnerSource Business Center giving the following error when you place an on-premises transition order from NAV to D365 Business Central (On-Premise) “Our Apologies… The application can not be displayed.”

The error appears when you want to leave the Service Plan page. The reason this message pops up is that the Service Plan End Date field needs to be updated on the Service Plan page. When this field is not updated, the error will appear.

Please click on the button “update price” after you have selected the service plan and you will be able to proceed with the transition order.

It is necessary to create a new transition order because this does not work with the transition order where you already received the error.

If you still experience issues, please log a case in the QBS Group Service Desk Portal and we will be happy to help you.

Please see this post for the screenshot of the Service Plan End Date field.

New Microsoft 365 F1 license for Firstline Workers in CSP

On April 1st, 2020, Microsoft will introduce a new offer for Firstline Workers.

The current Office 365 F1 and Microsoft 365 F1 SKUs will become Office 365 F3 and Microsoft 365 F3. Customers currently on O365/M365 F1 will be automatically transitioned to the O365/M365 F3 plans.

The new SKU will be named Microsoft 365 F1 and will include Teams, Sharepoint Online, Yammer Enterprise, Stream, EMS E3 and read-only access for Office Web / Mobile Apps.

For more information and the comparison between the F1 and F3 licenses, please see the update from Microsoft here and Yammer thread here.

Microsoft Education Partner Flash – Enabling Remote Learning

Please download this Microsoft Education Partner Flash to learn about enabling Remote Learning during the Covid-19 crisis.

Download here from the Yammer page (you will have to join the group to view the post)

Meetings Workshop – New virtual delivery guidance now available

In-person or new virtual delivery, the Meetings Workshop is designed to help partners drive customer awareness and intent for Microsoft Teams Meetings and Meeting Rooms through “art of the possible” demonstrations, customer use cases, and deep-dive planning engagement.

Please use the guides below to become an expert for virtual delivery and download the full Meetings Workshop kit to prepare customer discussions.

Read Yammer thread here​​​

Dynamics 365 Team Member licenses – License enforcement

Microsoft announced that starting April 1st, 2020, Dynamics 365 Team Member licenses purchased on or after October 1st, 2018, will only be able to access the designated Team Member app modules (Customer Service Team Member, Sales Team Member, Project Resource Hub). The users will no longer be able to access other apps, such as Customer Service Hub, Sales Hub, or custom app modules. 

The latest update from Microsoft is that they have granted a grace period until September 30th, 2020 for existing customer instances. This is done to facilitate a smooth transition to the new Team Member apps. Any new instances created after April 1st 2020, will be subject to enforcement by default. Also when moving to the new Unified Client Interface, the technical enforcement will apply. 

Please find the latest webinar regarding the Team Member License enforcement here.

PartnerSource Resources Moved 

Microsoft’s PartnerSource will retire on April 17, 2020. The Dynamics Price Lists and Agreements have already been moved to PartnerSource Business Center and are located under the tab Orders. The content currently on PartnerSource will be moved to a new location. The On-premises content is currently being made available here. For this new location, a Partner Center account and log in is needed. Please note that PartnerSource Business Center is not being retired. 

Wat is Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM – Een introductie

Heeft u als ICT partner ooit de mogelijkheid overwogen om Microsoftoplossingen toe te voegen aan uw huidige productportfolio? Of biedt u al Microsoftoplossingen aan, maar wilt u deze uitbreiden met extra CRM functionaliteiten? Nu is het moment.

Met Dynamics 365 heeft Microsoft een nieuwe generatie zakelijke apps gelanceerd waarin CRM en ERP functionaliteiten volledig zijn gebundeld. Maar wat is Dynamics 365 precies en welke mogelijkheden biedt deze oplossing voor u als partner?

Nieuwsgierig? In deze video praten wij u bij over deze nieuwe cloud-oplossing van Microsoft. En vertellen wij u welke kansen Dynamics 365 als CRM oplossing biedt voor het MKB.


  • Wat is Microsoft Dynamics 365 en de CRM oplossing in het bijzonder?
  • Waar staan de verschillende CRM modules binnen het Dynamics 365 platform?
  • Productdemonstratie: De kracht van Dynamics 365 CRM.

Wat is Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM – Een introductie (30 Minutes)


Partner Care Update February 2020

Latest Microsoft Licensing Guides

The latest Microsoft Licensing Guides are now available via the QBS Partner Portal.
Please find them via the links below:
Dynamics 365 Business Central On-premises Licensing Guide – February 2020 
Dynamics 365 Business Central SaaS Licensing Guide – January 2020 
Dynamics 365 Licensing Guide – February 2020 
PowerApps Licensing Guide – February 2020 

Retirement of Dynamics Learning Portal (DLP)

In April 2020, PartnerSource will be retired and replaced by a landing page on the Microsoft partner website ( The Dynamics Learning Portal (DLP) will also be retired starting in April 2020. All content from DLP is now available via the following links:
Dynamics 365 content is available on Microsoft Learn and Dynamics AX, GP, SL and NAV content is downloadable here.
In case you need access to DLP for these last months, you can order the free Training Pack via PartnerSource Business Center.

On-premise technical incidents assignment

Our SMB Resellers will receive technical incidents for on-premise support as a benefit of your QBS membership. Each year, Microsoft will assign new incidents to your PartnerSource Business Center account. That moment has arrived now and Microsoft is currently working on assigning the incidents. This might take a few days to complete. If you have a critical situation where you need to create a technical incident at Microsoft, please contact us via the Service Desk and we can ask Microsoft to prioritize.

Transitioning NAV/Business Central to CSP

Customers with an on-premise license and active enhancement plan are eligible to transition to Business Central SaaS licenses via CSP with a special SKU. This SKU gives a 40% discount. QBS group partner can download our document on QBS group Partner Portal for guidance on how to approach and conduct a transition from NAV or Business Central On-premises to CSP.

Coming soon – Operations readiness resources in one place

Starting April 2020 Microsoft will be streamlining the way we communicate and provide readiness materials across all Microsoft programs. We are introducing one Operations Readiness resource location on the Microsoft partner website at which will combine assets from the CSP Program Updates Resource Gallery as well as from
Read the full post here

Dynamics Partner Incentives – Reminder of SPA Discount Schedule Update on April 1, 2020

All SPA Partners have received this information directly from Microsoft – but as the date for the change approaches, we wanted to make sure to repeat another time around. On July 1, 2019, Microsoft published the FY20 Solution Provider Agreement (SPA) discount schedules. At that time, they announced the upcoming New License discount schedule rate changes effective April 1, 2020. Please find all SPA discount-related details on MPN or PartnerSource and see the upcoming changes in Discount Schedules in the Overview Slide.

Microsoft Dynamics Enhancement Plan in the leap year 2020

The standard Enhancement Plan of a Microsoft Dynamics license is 365 days. As 2020 is a leap year, this standard length of the enhancement plan will be short by one day. To compensate this, Microsoft will add an additional day to active customers’ service plans in March 2020.

The following criteria must be met in order for the customer’s account to be updated:

  • Customer must have an active and/or pending plan that overlaps February 29, 2020
  • Service plan length needs to be 365 days or 1,095 for a three-year plan
  • Only Dynamics customer service plans purchased through DPL will be updated

For more information please contact us

QBS group – MPN Microsoft Partner Network guide

We are pleased to present the QBS group MPN Microsoft Partner Network guide. This guide includes information regarding MPN, competencies, their benefits and how to receive these and incentives. It also includes an overview of all competencies, their benefits and the requirements to achieve them.
The MPN Guide is now available for QBS group partners via the Partner Portal. 
If you are looking for a complete overview of all internal user benefits and in which competencies these are included, have a look at our QBS – MPN Competency – Benefit Matrix. 

Dynamics 365 Update Webcast 6 February 2020

This series of webcasts is intended to share the latest information on Microsoft Dynamics 365 and related ISV solutions, both from a technical, functional and business perspective.
And along the year we will keep you informed about the latest news from Microsoft biggest events like Inspire, Directions ASIA, North America and EMEA.

Topics – 6 February 2020

Dynamics 365 Business Central Update
2020 Release Wave 1 Plan | What’s new for Business Central
Dynamics 365 Business Central Update – Recording (16 Minutes)

Binary Stream
ARED – A fully integrated solution for automating your complex revenue schedules at the line item level.
ARCB – Increase profitability and handle any complex billing scenario with Advanced Recurring Contract Billing.
Binary Stream – Recording (20 Minutes)
Read more about this solution

Business case the success of CloudBusiness of KUMAVISION
(Directions EMEA 2019 Award Winner)
Kuma365 Business Central Transition – Recording (12 Minutes)

Dynamics 365 Sales Update
Important: Team member License enforcement!
Dynamics 365 CRM Newsflash – Recording (10 Minutes)

Update on Dynamics 365 Business Central 18 November 2019

This series of webinars is intended to share the latest information on Dynamics 365 Business Central. Both from a technical, functional and business perspective. Besides sharing information, we will also update on the services portfolio from QBS group to assist on the road to Dynamics 365.

Watch here the Webinar update of the 18th of November 2019.

Dynamics 365 Business Central Update

Dynamics 365 Business Central Update Webinar

Microsoft Incentives – De belangrijkste wijzigingen per 1 oktober 2019 toegelicht

In mijn vorige blogpost besprak ik met u de wijzigingen in de Microsoft competenties.  Dit is belangrijk voor u, omdat u tenminste één competentie moet behalen om de door Microsoft gegeven incentives uitbetaald te kunnen krijgen. In dít artikel wil ik met u kijken naar de nieuwe incentive berekeningen voor komend fiscaal jaar. Na het bestuderen van de Incentives Guide for Indirect Resellers (FY20) is het mij duidelijk geworden dat Microsoft zich nog sterker richt op het genereren van new business. Om dit te bewerkstelligen verlagen zij de Core Incentives en verhogen zij de beloning voor omzet bij nieuwe klanten.

Opbouw van de Incentives vanaf 1 oktober 2019

  • Allereerst een korte samenvatting van de huidige en toekomstige Core Incentive fees. De Core Incentive wordt uitgekeerd op basis van uw maandelijkse omzet per productcategorie. Voor Dynamics 365 en Azure daalt het percentage met 2%, voor Microsoft 365 en Azure daalt het percentage met 4% en voor Azure RI blijft het percentage gelijk, namelijk: 10%.
  • Naast Core Incentives kent Microsoft ook Global Acceleratorswaaronder de
    Global Strategic Product Accelerator voor Microsoft E3 / E5, Microsoft 365 Business, Office 365 Business Premium en Dynamics 365 Business Central. Bij verkoop van deze licenties ontvangt u als partner een extra incentive van 5%. Ten opzichte van vorig fiscaal jaar (FY19) is dit een percentagestijging van 3%.
  • De grootste veranderingen zien we terug in de Customer Adds Accelerator. Afgelopen jaar kende Microsoft een extra incentives fee toe van 2% op de totale omzet bij nieuwe klanten. Vanaf 1 oktober 2019 geldt dat Microsoft voor iedere nieuwe klant met een omzet van meer dan  1.000,-  USD per maand, een bedrag van 20% van de jaaromzet zal uitkeren als (eenmalige) bonus. Dit geldt ook voor de extra licentie omzetgroei voor het eerste jaar.

Een belangrijk detail; de Customer Add Accelerator is beschikbaar voor alle drie de Microsoft Cloud Solutions: Intelligent Cloud (Azure m.u.v. RI), Modern Workplace (O365/M365) en Business Applications (Dynamics 365).

Voorbeeld Incentives voor Dynamics 365 Business Central SaaS

Wanneer u in Q2–Q4 F20 een nieuwe klant aanmaakt met 15 x Dynamics 365 Business Central Premium SaaS licenties ontvangt u naar verwachting:  3.806,- USD voor het eerste jaar gebaseerd op:
– Core Incentive = 6% over  1.050,- x 12 maanden =  756,- USD.
– Global Strategic Product Accelerator = 5% over  1.050,- x 12 maanden =  530,- USD.
– CSP Customer Adds Accelerator = 20% over  1.050,- x  12 maanden =  2.520,- USD.

Bovenstaande berekening is exclusief local accelerators. Indien local accelerators voor uw regio van toepassing zijn, ontvangt u hierover schrijven van Regional Operations Centers (ROC`s). Tot slot, bovenstaande details zijn gebaseerd op Microsoft list prijzen.

Uitkering van de Incentives vanaf 1 januari 2020

Vanaf 1 Januari 2020 wijzigt Microsoft de manier waarop Incentives worden uitgekeerd. Tot op heden worden Incentives altijd uitbetaald in de vorm van rebates. Vanaf volgend jaar zal de incentives fee worden opgesplitst in twee componenten: 60% rebate en 40% co-op.

Microsoft zet dan 40% van het bedrag apart op een co-op balansrekening. Vanuit deze rekening kunt u als partner uw marketing kosten declareren. Praktisch detail: Microsoft heeft bepaald dat claimen van de co-op balansrekening pas mogelijk is in het halfjaar nadat u het bedrag heeft verdient, ofwel co-op die u verdient in H2 – FY20 kunt u dan in H1 – FY21 declareren en uitbetaald krijgen.

Tot slot: indien u twijfelt aan de informatie vanuit uw incentives overzicht of eerder ontvangen incentive betalingen, raden wij u aan contact op te nemen met het Microsoft Incentives team, via e-mail: Voor advies op het gebied van competenties of het claimen van incentives kunt u altijd bij QBS group terecht door contact op te nemen met Partner Success Operations via de QBS partner portal.

Dynamics 365 Business Central 2019 release Wave 2

As of October 1, 2019, Microsoft has launched Dynamics 365 Business Central 2019 release wave 2. It has new features for on-premises partners and customers, Modern Support Lifecycle Policy changes, and changes to the availability of previous versions of registration keys.

Beginning with the October 2019 release of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, on-premises will follow the Modern Support Lifecycle Policy, offering continuous support with a minimum of 12 months’ notification prior to ending support. The Modern Policy offers continuous support and servicing, including bug fixes, new features, and applicable regulatory compliance updates. Customers can stay current by maintaining the Enhancement Plan and deploying updates as noted in the servicing policy.

For older releases of Business Central prior to October 2019, on-premises will continue to follow their existing Lifecycle timelines under the Fixed Policy. You can find those dates here.

In addition to changes in the Modern Support Lifecycle Policy, there are changes to the available versions of registration keys for customers.

  • For new customers, you need to purchase version 15. If your customer requires version 14, select version 14 registration keys for them in PartnerSource Business Center (PSBC). Version 13 will not be available for your customer.
  • For customers who either purchased version 13 or transitioned to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central when version 13 was the current shipping version, you will still have access to version 13 registration keys in PSBC.
  • For existing customers who need additional seats on version 13, you will purchase new seats on version 15 and select version 13 registration keys in PSBC.
  • For existing customers who need additional seats on version 14, you will purchase new seats on version 15 and select version 14 registration keys for the customer in PSBC.

Important: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Version 14 will be available to access until October 2020. After this date, version 15 will be the only available operating version of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Click here to learn more about this release.
Click here to register for a webinar to learn what’s new with this release.

Price change for Dynamics NAV Subscription

As a follow-up on the communication sent on December 11, 2018, starting today, Dynamics NAV Subscription (all shipping versions—the current version is NAV 2018; NAV 2016 is for India only) user prices will increase to align with Dynamics 365 Business Central Subscription user prices. Existing customers may continue to renew Dynamics NAV Subscription, but the renewals will be based on Dynamics 365 Business Central Subscription pricing.
To review the detailed communication, click here.

News from QBS group Partner Care

We are pleased to present the latest version of our QBS group CSP Operations Guide. Please find it on our QBS Partner Portal.

Referring to our blog: New Pricing for Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement & Unified Operations per the 1st of October 2019, Microsoft is changing the way they sell Dynamics 365 Plan licenses, this change goes live on the 1st October 2019 and it will affect existing Plan Subscription Customers – i.e. Dynamics 365 Plan, Customer Engagement Plan and Unified Operations Plan.

After the 1st October, the renewal for a Plan is no longer automatic, before the renewal day you’ll have to manually place an order for the new Subscriptions.
Failing to order the new subscription(s) will result on the Customer losing access to the system.

You’ll have to order the correspondent Base License + Attach Licenses, as the Plan will no longer be available for sale.

We as QBS group have contacted all Partners with Plan Subscriptions expiring soon.

If you have any questions, need assistance with the Base/Attach License conversion, or need a copy of the October Preview Pricelist, please get in touch with us via the Service Desk on our QBS group Partner Portal

Would You Awaken Your Dynamics NAV or Dynamics 365 Business Central On-Premises Customer this Fall if They Were Sleeping Beauty?

As we have heard many times before, it is likely your Dynamics NAV and Dynamics Business Central On-Premises customers are confused and raising questions surrounding the Dynamics 365 Business Central Fall release 2019, asking you such matters as:

  • “Is it time for me to upgrade now?”
  • “Does this version meet my needs?”
  • “How do I get it started and implemented?”

Well, simply ask them if they were sleeping beauty, would they want to be woken up this fall or wait years and years to eventually be awoken?

Infographic - How to choose the best path to move to Dynamics Business Central SAAS

Read the full blog from Agnė Balkevičiūtė-Lajienė, Commercial Operations Manager at 1 Click Factory