10 TIPS to improve your website
In today’s “new world”, Marketing is the new sales. Today, we all live in a disruptive world. Are you aware of all the relevant changes in the (international) markets for business solutions? And the impact this all has on your business, your proposition, your processes and your competencies? Many Microsoft Dynamics partners are working on ideas how to best setup a successful recurring app business in this fast evolving context.
On the vendor side we see an extremely tough competition, new cloud-based competitors and rapid changing business models. But there are also many changes on the buyer side! Your prospects prefer to stay anonymous during a big and still growing part of their customer journey. This has a huge impact on both your marketing and sales processes! Your name will not be on the longlist anymore without an impressive and easy to find website. And you definitely have to adjust your sales processes in order to stay competitive!
On top of this changing buyer’s behavior we also see that modern prospects have developed different preferences. So in order to stay successful, you need to be able to deliver your low(er) risk solutions faster, cheaper and subscription based.
At QBS group we’re happy to share some simple, yet effective tips to improve the effectiveness of your website. And most of these tip can be implemented per today.
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10 TIPS to improve your website