Why use Azure BLOB Storage with Business Central?

What is Azure BLOB Storage and why is this a game-changer for Dynamics 365 Business Central SaaS?

Let us start with a common scenario that we hear a lot about lately from Business Central Partners:

Many people are refraining from suggesting Business Central SaaS to their prospects or customers simply because of the limitation on 80 Gb free storage for a given Business Central tenant database. Azure Storage is not cheap and customers with extensive documents (binary data) to be stored can easily fill up their free storage allowance, are then forced to buy additional storage as the database increases in size. This can really be a deal-breaker if Partners don’t know how to mitigate this scenario.

Having covered the high-level “commercial” scenario, let’s take care of the technical bits first so that you can understand more about Azure BLOB Storage and how advantageous it can be, not only on the “pocket” but equally on performance. Of course, feel free to skip this part if you are a “guru” already (are you?) or if this is all “Double Dutch” to you but you have been enticed to read the rest of the article to find out why this topic is now top of the agenda for both Dynamics Business Central Partners and Customers and what we have in store at QBS Group to assist you with learning this…


What is a BLOB?

BLOB is a technical term for “Binary Large Objects”, and it is a way of storing information in databases. A BLOB is a data type that can store binary data. This data type differs from other data types used in databases, such as integers, floating-point numbers, characters, and strings, which store letters and numbers. As BLOBs can store binary data, they can be used to store images or other multimedia files.

Because BLOBs are used to store objects such as images, audio files, and video clips, they often require significantly more space than other data types. The amount of data a BLOB can store varies depending on the database type, but some databases allow BLOB sizes of several gigabytes. SQL Server allows huge amounts of binary data to be stored and very often what happens is that customers could store too much binary data in transactional tables. Imagine the scenario with Items: you can store details of an item, such as description, unit price and other details, but you could also store images related to the same item and these, if stored within a transactional table, can cause performance issues when loading big documents to display. So, imagine if you could simply “call up” the binary data from another storage facility hence keeping your footprint on the database to a bare minimum…well you can!

Using Azure BLOB Storage instead

Azure BLOB storage allows you to store all your files in Azure, which in turn can be accessed from other solutions, such as D365 Sales or Power Platform. Whilst Azure BLOB Storage acts very much like a simplified SharePoint, it also provides a very simple file storage container. To create a BLOB storage container, you simply head over to your Azure portal and create one, and the BLOB storage also provides a simple REST interface that you can use to access your files. [RESTful API is an application program interface (API) that uses HTTP requests to GET, PUT, POST and DELETE data. A RESTful API — also referred to as a RESTful web service or REST API — is based on representational state transfer (REST) technology, an architectural style and approach to communications often used in web services development.]

What is the advantage here, then?

Well, you can control access to said binary data by creating your own Azure Function(s) that control how you access the storage and the binary data within it. What more, you can grant and restrict access via said Function(s) as a further security/access filter to this data. You, in other words, are in full control.


Where do I learn more about Azure BLOB Storage with Business Central? Does QBS run any courses on this?

Of course, we do! We have teamed up with Gunnar Gestsson (MVP for Business Central), who is delivering this course uniquely through QBS Group to educate our Partners about this topic. Here you will find the full details of the course:

Azure BLOB Storage for Business Central | Online

Learn how to use Microsoft Azure Blob storage to store business attachments and to give your Business Central access to external files

This training course is hosted by Gunnar Gestsson, who has a wealth of experience with Dynamics NAV/BC and has been awarded eight times by Microsoft MVP program.

This online course is a session about attachment storage Business Central and how to utilize Microsoft Azure Blob storage to move binary objects out of the Business Central database and into Azure Blob. The Database Storage for the Business Central database is one of the most expensive storage media available Moving the binary objects out of the database and into Azure Blob is one of the best methods to limit the database size, increase the manageability and create smaller backups.

More info on QBS Academy

Dynamics 365 CRM Update Webcast 11 May 2020

Get the latest insights from Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM

This series of webcasts is intended to share the latest information on Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM, both from a technical, functional and business perspective.

In this webcast, we present in just 45 minutes the most important updates form Microsoft Business Applications Summit 2020.

Dynamics 365 CRM Update Webcast

Dynamics 365 Update Webcast

Update on Dynamics 365 Business Central 27 August 2019

This series of webinars is intended to share the latest information on Dynamics 365 Business Central. Both from a technical, functional and business perspective. Besides sharing information, we will also update on the services portfolio from QBS group to assist on the road to Dynamics 365.

Watch here the Webinar update of the 27th of August 2019.

Dynamics 365 Business Central Update

New Pricing for Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement & Unified Operations per the 1st of October 2019

Microsoft announces new Pricing for Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement & Unified Operations, applicable from 1st October 2019

Two weeks before Inspire, Microsoft announced that all Dynamics 365 Plan subscriptions for Customer Engagement and Unified Operations will disappear from the price list as per 1st of October. In order to prepare you as quickly and effectively as possible, we would like to explain to you the changes to the new licensing model and the impact that this will have to you and your customers.

Impact: New customers for Customer Engagement and Unified Operations from 1st October

New customers can no longer order the current Dynamics 365 (CE and UO) Plan licenses from this date. The new “Base and Attach Licenses” model will apply from 1st October. Microsoft also calls the model “á la carte”.

In this new model, payment is based on usage per user per module. Every user always starts with a Base License. In addition, 1 or more additional modules can be added per user as an Attach License.

Almost all application licenses are available as a Base License and as an Attach License. Only Dynamics 365 for Marketing (licensed per tenant), Dynamics 365 for Project Service Automation and Talent are not available as an Attach License. For those modules, a user will therefore have to pay for a second Base License.

Nieuwe Prijzen Aan Voor Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement En Unified Operations Vanaf 1 Oktober 2019 Geldig

To make it concrete: A user who needs access to all Customer Engagement modules orders Dynamics 365 Project Service Automation as a Base License in this new model and adds the Sales Enterprise Edition, Customer Service Enterprise Edition and Field Service modules as Attach License to this. The total price for the user, in this case, is $ 155, consisting of the costs for the Base License $ 95, plus the 3 Attach Licenses of $ 20 each. The advantage for end customers: they only pay for the modules they use at that time. The price of 2 modules is the same as the current Customer Engagement Plan price.

In the current Unified Operations plan it is currently possible to order some modules such as Dynamics 365 for Talent or Retail as a stand-alone solution. Finance and Operations, however, has always been seen as a single module and since the introduction of the Unified Operations Plan module, that functionality could only be ordered through this composite plan. This will change after 1st October 2019.

As per October 2019 Finance and Supply Chain can be purchased as separate modules. The minimum requirement of 20 users remains applicable for both applications. Furthermore, all Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement modules can be added as an Attach License for the price of $ 20. Of course, again with the exception of Project Service Automation and Marketing, for which you always pay for a Base License.

Impact: Existing customers Customer Engagement and Unified Operations from October 1st

This change also has an impact on the current subscriptions of your existing customers, but not necessarily from October 2019.

The changes for existing customers only take effect on the subscription renewal date.

For example, if you ordered the licenses (with a standard duration of 12 months) on 1st November 2018, you must convert the licenses to this new model with Base Licenses and Attach Licenses before 1st November 2019.

We are still investigating whether this also has other (technical) implications in addition to an administrative act. We will certainly come back to that when we know more.

It is of vital importance that you approach your customers in reasonable time to inform them and discuss these changes. For subscriptions with a duration of 36 months you of course have some time left. You could consider ordering a new subscription for an existing customer with a term of 36 months and turning off the old subscriptions, if this would result in a more favourable price for a customer.

The transition SKUs from CRM Online to Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement plan, which according to communication from the transition paper on PartnerSource will remain available until October 31, 2019, is also unclear whether the latest order date will change. We are waiting for confirmation on this and will update you shortly.

As QBS group, we will keep you informed of all developments around the Dynamics 365 Licensing structure. For questions, please contact us via the Partner Portal. For additional details, you can also go to the Dynamics 365 licensing page in PartnerSource.

Source: FAQ new licensing structure Dynamics 365

Hot News from Microsoft Inspire 2019

At QBS group we feel it is necessary to participate in all of the main Microsoft events: Microsoft Inspire, eXtreme and Directions, to ensure we can pass the relevant information on to you our partners, and also that we are the forefront of hot news! We participate not only as QBS people – but also as representatives of the entire QBS partner community. Speaking our case – and bringing back the news and information that we all need to keep on the forefront with our business.

Hot News From Inspire 2019
Watch the webinar Hot News from Inspire 2019 (video 30:00)

In this vlog we will present in 30 minutes the most important updates from Microsoft Inspire 2019.

  • Microsoft mission and innovations
  • PowerApps
  • Microsoft Field FY20 Priorities
  • Dynamics 365 Business Central Updates
  • Channel Incentives  and Channel Program
  • ISV and Marketplace

QBS goup YouTube channel

Watch our vlogs in our special Microsoft Inspire 2019 Playlist on our QBS group Youtube channel

Demo highlights at Microsoft Inspire 2019:

Demo: Empowering citizen developers with AI Builder at Microsoft Inspire 2019
Demo: Minecraft Earth at Microsoft Inspire 2019


QBS group partners can download the presentation slides in the: QBS group partner portal.

QBS group in Microsoft InnerCircle

Inner Circle Microsoft
For the 6th year in a row QBS group is awarded with the prestigious membership of the Microsoft InnerCircle – for Business Applications. This is the external sign of proof of all the work that QBS group and her partners do throughout the year to promote and create new business for the Microsoft Business Applications stack: Microsoft Dynamics 365.

Michael Hartmann, CEO of QBS group says: “We are extremely proud to once again claim our seat in this exclusive club and will make the most of this membership to advocate for the SMB partners of Microsoft Dynamics. Our deep roots in the Dynamics world and our representation of such a large partner community as we have, gives us a unique knowledge that I know Microsoft values very much”.

Hvorfor er Video Marketing så vigtigt?

Det er ikke svært at forstå, hvorfor video er så populær i dag – for det første handler det om et format, der er let at fordøje, og øjnene får jo lov til at hvile lidt fra de bittesmå tekster i online artikler, blandt andet.

Men det handler også om et kraftfuld marketingværktøj, som du bør inkludere i din strategi hvis du overvejer flere aktiviter indenfor digital marketing. Gode og relevante videoer er værdifulde for virksomheder da de er med til at etablere et forhold mellem modtageren og virksomheden (brandet). Derfor er det vigtigt at vide helt præcist hvordan man indarbejder video i virksomhedens indhold for at kunne forblive konkurrencedygtig.

Video er et alsidigt og fængende indholdsformat, der ikke kun giver os et rigtigt billede af hvad der foregår  men også er meget nemt at dele på tværs af flere platforme. Som sagt modtageren kan lide video, fordi det er et format der er let at fordøje og er underholdende; og marketingfolk kan lide det, fordi det kan give et potentielt stort investeringsafkast (ROI) gennem mange kanaler.

Her hos QBS group opdagede vi én af vores partneres bemærkelsesværdige færdigheder til at udnytte potentialet med video. Fiks IT fra Ikast er aktive på LinkedIn, Facebook og Instagram og har virkelig forstået at interagere med deres kunder med gode tips om de løsninger de forhandler. F.eks har de lavet denne video om NAV TIPS men ikke kun det, de er ligeledes gode til at introducere nye kollegaer så kunder får styr på deres kontaktpersoner eller til at promovere deres kommende arrangementer hvor de bruger medarbejderne til det. Vi mener at folkene bag Fiks IT har været så inspirerende med deres videoindhold at sådan kreativitet selvfølgelig skal deles med vores partnere.

Derfor spurgte vi Fiks ITs marketingansvarlig Louise om ikke hun ville dele hendes TOP 5 bedste tips med alle jer i partnerkanalen og heldigvis sagde hun ja. De kommer her:

Mine 5 bedste tips til video:


af Louise Lundsgaard

1 – Format: Det er der flere meninger og holdninger til, vi arbejder altid i 16:9 format, da vi skal bruge vores indhold på tværs af kanaler. LinkedIn egner sig især godt til 1:1 format. Da man på denne måde kan fylde mere i news feedet – men det er ikke at anbefale til f.eks. YouTube. Så her skal man tage beslutningen når man filmer – hvor indholdet skal publiceres.


2 – Budget: Hvis man som virksomhed skal i gang med at lave video, kan det gøres ret billigt. Vi bruger selv lyd, stativ og mobiltelefon når vi skal optage video. De mikrofoner vi bruger hedder Saramonic 2 X Trådløs lyd. Derudover bruger vi et stativ der hedder Manfrotto Compact Action Black, og dertil har vi en holder til telefonen og mikrofonen som hedder Shoulderpod X1. Med dette udstyr kan man komme i gang for under 5.000 kr. MEN dette er IKKE et must for at komme i gang med video, er det erhverv vil jeg helt klart anbefale at man som minimum får fat i en mikrofon og et stativ, det kan sagtens gøres billigere end det vi har.

Du skal blot huske at lyset og lyden er i orden når du går i gang med at optage video, stil dig i et lyst rum, eller med fronten imod et vindue så du får et naturligt lys, og sæt i gang! 😊


3 – Script: Hvis man er flere der skal filme sammen, er det en god idé at have skrevet ganske få ord ned omkring hvad man skal igennem. MEN man skal IKKE lave et helt script med alt hvad man vil sige, for så kommer det lynhurtigt til at lyde som om man læser op fra dette. Så gør det så naturligt som muligt.


4 – 🌟QBS groups favorit 🎥 TIP!👏🏻

Kan du ikke lide at snakke til et kamera? Her er et godt tip: Tag et billede af en du er tryg ved, klip det ud og sæt på kameraet klip et hul ved f.eks. øjet og gør plads til at kameraet kan filme derigennem.


5 – Frekvens: Video kan være mange ting, det kan være et billede som blot får tilføjet lidt ekstra, en skærmoptagelse for at lave en guide, med en eller flere personer som snakker eller noget helt fjerde. Vi poster ca. en video i ugen, af den ene eller anden art, det behøves ikke at være et stort arbejde hver gang, hvor man skal stille op og lade sine kollegaer eller en selv fortælle og snakke.


Bonustip til ISÆR videoer på LinkedIn: Da flere ikke har sat ”autoafspil” til når det handler om video, skal man altid sørge for at lave et GODT startbillede, det vil sige den første frame eller det første sekund af videoen. Det er blot for at fortælle brugeren hvad videoen handler om, så de får lyst til at se den – hvis de altså ikke har slået autoafspil til.

Update on Dynamics 365 Business Central 13 June 2019

This series of webinars is intended to share the latest information on Dynamics 365 Business Central. Both from a technical, functional and business perspective. Besides sharing information, we will also update on the services portfolio from QBS group to assist on the road to Dynamics 365.

Watch here the Webinar update of the 13th of June 2019.

Dynamics 365 Business Central Update

Update on Dynamics 365 Business Central 9 May 2019

This series of webinars is intended to share the latest information on Dynamics 365 Business Central. Both from a technical, functional and business perspective. Besides sharing information, we will also update on the services portfolio from QBS group to assist on the road to Dynamics 365.

Watch here the Webinar update of the 9th of May 2019.

Dynamics 365 Business Central Update

Companial Update

Bliv opdateret på Microsoft Dynamics 365 og Companial

Channel Development Manager, Shehab Zenussi og Partner Success Manager, Mathias Dam Ejlertsen afholder løbende webinarer om aktuelle og relevante emner for Dynamics partnere. Bliv opdateret på hvad der rører sig i markedet og få seneste produktopdateringer! Kom også gerne med forslag til agendaen ved at sende en mail til Shehab Zenussi på shehab.zenussi@companial.com.

Webinaret bliver som udgangspunkt afholdt hver tredje fredag i måneden kl 10.00, med mindre der ligger skoleferier, eller andet bliver kommunikeret.

Tilmeld dig ved at klikke på knappen “Tilmeld mig nu” ude til højre.

Bemærk, nyt tilmeldingslink bliver tilføjet eventet hver gang, hvilket vil sige at du aktivt skal tilmelde dig til hvert webinar, som du ønsker at deltage i.


Dato Start Optagelse Præsentation
Fredag d. 21. januar  kl. 10.00 Webinar optagelse   Power Apps Licensing (engelsk)

NCE opdatering (dansk)  

Fredag d. 25. februar    kl. 10.00 Webinar optagelse   Webinar præsentation  
Fredag d. 18. marts  kl. 10.00 Webinar optagelse Webinar præsentation
Power Apps in a week 
Fredag d. 22. april  kl. 10.00 Webinar optagelse   Webinar præsentation 
Fredag d. 20. maj  kl. 10.00
Fredag d. 17. juni  kl. 10.00
Fredag d. 26. august kl. 10.00
Fredag d. 16. september  kl. 10.00  
Fredag d. 21. oktober   kl. 10.00
Fredag d. 18. november kl. 10.00    
Fredag d. 16. december kl. 10.00     


Update on Dynamics 365 Business Central 11 April 2019

This series of webinars is intended to share the latest information on Dynamics 365 Business Central. Both from a technical, functional and business perspective. Besides sharing information, we will also update on the services portfolio from QBS group to assist on the road to Dynamics 365.

Watch here the Webinar update of the 11th of April 2019.

Dynamics 365 Business Central Update

How to inspire your customers as an IT Business Partner?

These days, IT innovation develops faster than ever before in history. While that opens great opportunities for organisations all over the world, it also creates a lot of stress since failure is not a realistic option (anymore).

Here are some of the dilemma’s for your prospects and customers:

  • We know we must modernise our business processes to stay relevant. But how to change the organisation? And what is the best timing?
  • How can we measure the expected continuity of the vendors on our shortlist?
  • How can we motivate our team members to put full energy into the project?
  • Should we migrate to the cloud now or is it better to wait?
  • We want our staff to be more agile in their thinking and their ability to change. But how do we get there? And what is the exemplary behavior needed from the management?
  • How can we avoid that Digital Transformation turns into ‘just another IT project’ with even more complexity?
  • How can modern IT tools support us in putting our customers first?

Where are your customers today?

In order to keep up with the competition, your projects must be successful in the first attempt. With a short Time-to-Value. Unfortunately, most of your existing and future SMB customers don’t have the knowledge, the persuasion nor the power to take the best decisions. Most of them select and implement for the first or second time in their lives. As a result, that creates big uncertainty. So it’s no wonder that ‘No Decision’ has developed into everybody’s biggest competitor these days!

Customer education

Modern and innovative Microsoft Dynamics partners focus on educating their customers and help them prepare for Successful Projects. Rather than pushing their solutions. This attitude not only helps them to create more leads and win more deals. It also secures the right support from their customers’ top-management when implementing these solutions.

About this webinar

In this free, 40 minutes webinar, Guus Krabbenborg will share his observations and the results he has achieved by his extensive customer education activities. He will inspire you regarding the best way to approach customers and prospects. Next to that, he will also position three different education formats. And shares the options he sees for your company to start delivering one or more of these formats yourself shortly. Guus has been delivering ERP and CRM Masterclasses to potential buyers ever since 2005.

This is a webinar that you definitely don’t want to miss!

how to inspire your end customers
Watch the webinar how to inspire your end customers (video 40:00)

Update on Dynamics 365 Business Central 14 March 2019

This series of webinars is intended to share the latest information on Dynamics 365 Business Central. Both from a technical, functional and business perspective. Besides sharing information, we will also update on the services portfolio from QBS group to assist on the road to Dynamics 365.

Watch here the Webinar updates of the 14th of March 2019.

Dynamics 365 Business Central Update – Technical Session

Dynamics 365 Business Central Update – License update 1 April 2019

White Paper – Microsoft Dynamics 365 the perfect platform for digital transformation in the mid-market

At QBS group we’re all about Dynamics partners – to the extent that we call ourselves “Dynamics partner fanatics”. We constantly look for new innovative ways in which we can assist our partner community with ways to grow their business – no matter what their Dynamics strategy is. There’s no doubt in our minds that Dynamics 365 offers a lot of advantages both to new partners but especially to the existing Dynamics partner community – which the most recent white paper from us focuses on. Enjoy the reading!

Abstract of white paper:

“We are approaching one of the great infliction points in time where information technology-based solutions  have matured to a level where they can deliver new and compelling value to meet recognized needs of mid-market companies.

The steadily falling prices on computer capacity, the accumulated investments in standard software products and the introduction of the cloud-based as-a-service delivery format have made advanced information technology available to the mid-market. Under the headline digital transformation these advanced technologies have the potential to dramatically increase the productivity of mid-market enterprises, while the steady expansion of the world wide web (51.5 per cent of the global population or 3.2 billion people) has enabled them to expand and grow beyond their domestic territories.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 The Perfect Platform For Digital Transformation In The Mid Market

Despite the increased availability of advanced software tools, the declining prices and the improved user-friendliness, digital transformation remains an ongoing activity that requires support from specialists that the typical mid-market enterprise cannot attract and justify on her payroll.  This whitepaper explains that exactly this intersection of technology and needs represents a yet untapped business potential for entrepreneurs that can translate software technologies into a tangible business advantage and that Microsoft Dynamics 365 is the perfect platform for executing such an ambition.”

You can download the full white paper here:
Microsoft Dynamics 365 – The perfect platform for digital transformation in the mid-market

Or if you would like to attend one of our upcoming QBShare events to learn more about how QBS can assist you in your future journey with Dynamics, find a local event here and register.

More from the same author.

Update on Dynamics 365 Business Central 7 February 2019

This series of webinars is intended to share the latest information on Dynamics 365 Business Central. Both from a technical, functional and business perspective. Besides sharing information, we will also update on the services portfolio from QBS group to assist on the road to Dynamics 365.

Watch here the Webinar update of the 7th of February 2019.

QBS group partners can download the presentation here
An active Account for Partner Portal is required.

Directions EMEA 2018 Business Report

At QBS group, we understand that well-informing our Dynamics partners is crucial for making the right strategic decisions. That’s why we strive every single day to make “QBS Partners the best-informed Microsoft partners.”

We have been writing business reports on the international Microsoft events since 2004. So we know what we’re doing. This report is part of our ‘around the year’ reporting service that spans all the major events for Dynamics partners: Inspire, eXtreme 365 and DIRECTIONS. This unique report features a broad but insightful and independent business reporting on the happenings at DIRECTIONS EMEA 2018. The report, which consists of 46 pages of need-to-know information, is bought and used by leading Dynamics partners from all over the world.

These partners use the report among others to:

  • Inform all their colleagues who did not visit the event
  • Improve their marketing and sales pitches
  • Update the content on their websites

Directions EMEA 2018 Business Report QBS Group

The average satisfaction score for this report over the last 5 years was 8,6 on a 1 to 10 scale.

Taster first? To get a good idea of what you can expect from our DIRECTIONS EMEA 2017 Business Report, you can order the 2017 Business Report as a free download version here.

Order your copy now!

Partners of QBS group receive this report at no additional cost, as it is part of their QBS membership. For non-QBS Microsoft partners, the report is available for only Euro 400 exclusive of VAT per partner company.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 – the perfect platform for new business ventures

Are you looking for expansion options for your current business? Or do you dream of starting (and running) your own business? Are you held back because you haven’t yet found out which product or service you should offer to which type of customers? Then here is my suggestion: Take a look at Microsoft Dynamics 365. Consider starting or expanding your business as a Value Added Reseller (VAR) or an Independent Software Vendor (ISV). The timing may be perfect just now. Here is why:

Microsoft Dynamics 365 The Perfect Platform For New Business Ventures Business Vision
Reason 1

All types of companies all over the world are currently considering how they can take advantage of the digital transformation opportunities offered by cloud-based solutions. Their objectives are to reduce capital expenditure and improve productivity, profitability and competitiveness. This movement has been going on for a while and I believe that we are approaching the infliction point where the adoption enters the steep section of the S-curve.

Reason 2

Microsoft, the world’s biggest software company, is currently investing billions of dollars in extending its broad suite of cloud-based business applications for the SMB-market: Microsoft Dynamics 365. The objective of the investments is to serve the needs for digital transformation. Their go-to-market approach is to use VARs and ISVs to complement, implement, and support the solutions.

This shift in the market and the industry is offering opportunities for new insurgents. The “new kids on the block” are not tied to the legacy of the on-premise business model and the skill set it requires. The insurgents can build their business models from scratch and match the needs of those customers prepared to move to the cloud now.

We don’t all embrace innovation

The fewer “new” you have in your business model they less risky is your endeavour.

  • Three new: A new company offering new services to new customers is the riskiest scenario.
  • Two new: Offering new services to new customers from a recognised company already have much better chances for success.
  • One new: Offering new services to existing customers or current services to new customers have the best odds for success.

You can leverage your domain expertise and expand your services to customers with a preference for Microsoft Dynamics 365. Or you can grow into new areas of the Dynamics 365 application suite offering your current customers new services.

Why most new business ventures fail

Starting a new business venture is a risky business. According to most sources on the subject, 90 per cent of all startups fail and I will claim that existing businesses launching new initiatives into new markets share the same characteristics.

Take the Apple Newton. Launched in 1993 and defining the new category Personal Digital Assistant it failed miserably and was removed from the market in 1998. Costing an investment of $100M even a company like Apple ran out of budget to support it and Steve Jobs killed it upon his return.

Startups and new business ventures fail for a combination of numerous reasons and recent research reveals what those reasons are.

Top 20 Reasons Of All Startups Fail

No product/market fit

The primary reason (42 per cent) for failure is that there is currently no pressing need for the product (or service).

With thousands of customers already using Microsoft Dynamics, we can conclude that there is a compelling and recognised need in the market. From a product perspective, a VAR-initiative serving this market can jump the entire product/market-fit stage, and an ISV.startup can accelerate the proof-of-concept.

You will still need to develop a compelling value proposition for the services that you believe will attract customers and make them choose you, but with Microsoft Dynamics, you eliminate the risk that there is no market need for the product.

Out of cash

Close to 95 per cent of all ventures are funded by the owners.

The five per cent of startups that does receive funding from Business Angels and VCs are those that can potentially turn $1 million into $100 million. When such companies raise money, you can read about them in the newspapers, magazines, and on blogs. Because such deals are rare and thus, news!

So when 29 per cent of failing ventures claim that they ran out of cash, they are primarily referring to their own money and not somebody else’s.

When you don’t need to spend time developing a product from scratch and running through several iterations before you know whether there is a market or not willing to pay for it, then you will have more cash left for testing and fine-tuning your value proposition and your marketing, lead generation and sales approaches.

In a market where customers want standard products delivered from the cloud in a subscription-based format only companies that can figure out how to win new projects, with low customer acquisition cost and short sales cycles will proposer.

The design of a productive revenue generating formula becomes just as important as finding the compelling value proposition.
Most new business ventures that develop their product from scratch never get to that stage because they run out of budget.

A venture building a business on Microsoft Dynamics 365 can focus their limited cash resources on finding a revenue generation model that works.

Not the right team
When you don’t know exactly where you will end then it is hard to decide which skills are required to get there.
Starting a business venture with Microsoft Dynamics 365 as the core component simplifies the job of setting the team considerably.Understand Your Customers

First and foremost you need to understand your customers and how digital transformation can help them become more productive, profitable and competitive. Some customers expect you to have industry insight before the first meeting some do not. However, they all assume that your learning-curve on understanding their specific issues are very short. Thus is a major advantage and a substantial portion of business acumen will bring you ahead of the game.

Then customers expect you to be an expert on the products you offer and, that you can guide them in how they can use these products with as little customisation as possible and how they can standardise, simplify and optimise their business processes along the way. Thus you need people who understand the details of what Microsoft Dynamics 365 offers.

Finally, they expect that you can help them set up and integrate the various modules to form a coherent application suite with no need for data redundancy. Thus you need the technical skill set required to configure and integrate software systems.

Across these disciplines, you need to master business development, marketing, lead generation, sales, project management, training, documentation and support.

If you have ambitions of becoming an ISV, then you need additional skill sets covering product development, product management and product marketing. If you want other resellers to sell your solution, then you need to add resources for partner recruitment and management.

Being the only company in the world offering a specific value proposition (lex Newton) has shown to be a significant disadvantage. Building a business within the Microsoft Dynamics 365 ecosystem provides multitude sources of inspiration and offers opportunities for cooperation with other partners that can complement your skill set.

Get outcompeted

People around the world get the same ideas at the same time. Then they start the race for market leadership. 20 per cent of startups claim to be outcompeted.

Get Outcompeted qbs group

If you are attracted to starting or extending your business helping SMBs with digital transformation, then you are facing a need for massive investments. Customers want off-the-shelf functionality supporting business processes across their organisation. They want analysis and visualisation tools that can help them better understand data and enhance all the building blocks in their business model. They want mobile apps for staff on the road and to better serving customers. And they do not want to manage a host of suppliers to
achieve these benefits.

Building your business on top of Microsoft Dynamics 365 allows you to surf one of the biggest waves in the world. You will have thousands of developers steadily improving the software platform and striving to keep you ahead of the competition. You will be supported by a marketing effort that hardly anyone in the industry can match.

The chances of being outcompeted with Microsoft Dynamics 365 as the core of your value proposition are minimal.

Pricing/cost issues or CLV versus CAC

A subscription-based economy is a tough challenge for any startup. You have to fund product development from scratch and pay the Customer Acquisition Cost up front. Then you can enjoy the Customer Lifetime Value as time progresses. If you can get that relationship right fast enough.

According to the CBInsight research 18 per cent don’t get that relationship right and experience that the faster they run, the sooner they go broke.

New business ventures notoriously have high customer acquisition costs. Often because they have two marketing jobs to perform.

  • Convince customers that they have the problem that your solution addresses
  • Convince customers that now understand they have that problem to choose your (somewhat untested) solution.

Most new ventures face “the law of diffusion of innovation”. The law divides the market into five segments.

Although you can demonstrate that your solution provides an attractive and fast return on investment, the mainstream market, which represents 85 per cent of the total are reluctant to do anything just because you are new and they prefer to wait until a market leader has materialised.

Most new ventures have to work their way through the technology enthusiasts, and the visionaries (15 per cent of the market) and many never manage to make the journey across the chasm to win mainstream market customers.

Do the math.

Let’s say that 20 per cent of the market is in buying mode at any point in time, but 85 per cent will not consider your new solution. That leaves you with 20 per cent of 15 per cent = 3 per cent. No wonder that customer acquisition cost is high for new ventures.Building your business around or on top of Microsoft Dynamics 365 will help you jump and maybe even eliminate the chasm. Microsoft is already a market leader. You remove a considerable chunk of risk for the mainstream market customer.

The Journey Across The Chasm To Win Mainstream Market Customers

Are there no drawbacks?

Microsoft has thousands of business partners. Is this market not the red ocean?

qbs group Differentiation Around And On Top Of Their Dynamics Platform

The reason that Microsoft can entertain thousands of business partners offering the same products is the opportunities for differentiation around and on top of their Dynamics platform. Dynamics 365 is not a hit and run type of business, where competition drives a race to the bottom. The value for the customers comes from close cooperation between the customer and the business partner. It’s the value-add that the business partners offer that determines the return on the investment in the new ERP-platform.

The opportunities for differentiation from consulting services and product extensions are infinite. And just now, with the shift from a prepaid and perpetual license model and to a cloud-based subscription economy, there are plenty of blue ocean opportunities.

Being a Microsoft reseller is a service business. Isn’t this hard to scale internationally?

Service businesses are usually considered harder to scale than product businesses. If that’s true, then your service business is better protected domestically than a product business.
However, the main reason that only a few Microsoft business partners cross national borders is that they don’t have the appetite for running an international business with the additional management complexity it demands.

Dynamics Partners That Have Thriving International Businesses QBSgroup

There are plenty of examples of Dynamics partners that have thriving international businesses. They enjoy the work that Microsoft has done in localising and making the Dynamics products available in all major markets.
If you have ambitions of scaling your business globally, then Microsoft has already done the groundwork and matured the market for you.

The new requirements for CSP Direct: Is license administration part of a Microsoft Dynamics partner’s core business?

Microsoft is changing the rules of the Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) agreements with her partners as we speak. These changes will especially impact the businesses of partners that have selected the CSP Direct option. Some of them should even consider switching to the CSP Indirect scenario.

As most partners know, tracking and adapting to the latest updates to Microsoft’s partnership model requires significant time and effort. To help the wider partner community understand what’s going on and facilitate their decision-making process, Guus Krabbenborg interviewed Nelson Tavares da Silva, who is deeply involved in this domain. Nelson is VP Business Development at QBS group, one of the leading indirect Cloud Solution Providers (CSP) and the largest Microsoft Dynamics community worldwide. Within the QBS organisation, Nelson is business responsible for the CSP program. For more than two years he has been intensely involved in the CSP program and he has delivered presentations on CSP at international events for Microsoft Dynamics partners like Directions EMEA.

Guus: As a refresher, can you summarize what CSP is today?

Nelson: The Cloud Solution Program (CSP) is a program that helps Microsoft partners to create their own bundle of cloud solutions and cloud services, combined with their own IP and IP-related services. Via the CSP program, those partners can manage, offer, order, deliver, invoice and support that unique bundle to their end-customers all over the world. The purpose of this program is to create additional partner value, to strengthen the partner-customer relationship, and as a result, improve the partner’s profitability.

CSP became relevant for some Microsoft Dynamics partners when Office 365 became available in the CSP contracts. Today, CSP is crucial for every Dynamics SMB partner since Dynamics 365 Business Central is only available via CSP. This means that every modern Dynamics partner on the globe must join the CSP program. And make a choice regarding the level of engagement.

What are your observations regarding the uptake of CSP in the worldwide Dynamics partner channel?

Let me share a few observations. First and foremost, many partners focus on prices and margin levels only and tend to ignore the cost side of the story. To me it seems like most of them have missed the essence of the program, which is about creating additional customer value.

Secondly – there still is confusion about the two models. They are called Direct and Indirect (aka Tier 1 and Tier 2). The Direct CSP option seems to be perceived by many partners as superior to Indirect CSP due to the direct link with Microsoft. As if it is an acquired right.

The next observation is about CSP knowledge. There is still a lack of knowledge regarding the content of the CSP program. And I fully understand that. Microsoft has an ongoing job in positioning CSP and explaining the options. However, it’s fair to say that the amount of information is nothing less than huge! Often it feels like an information tsunami. I myself spend 20 to 30 percent of my time to stay up to date on all the ongoing changes, and that’s just high level knowledge! In our Partner Care team, we have several fulltime colleagues, active in all the CSP details and they spend even more time on this.

Being proactive in CSP in both knowledge and actions will cost the average Microsoft partner at least half the time to a fulltime staff member. This depends, of course, on the number of solutions and the transaction volume. I’m really wondering whether that aspect is sufficiently considered in the choice between CSP Direct and CSP Indirect.

Finally, many SMB partners have grown their businesses based on a ‘do it yourself’ mentality. But with the complexity of CSP, the current pace of change and the growing volumes, this becomes impossible. Which brings back the question: why not outsource this?

How many partners use CSP as it is intended – bundling products and creating additional customer value?

In my view, maximum 20 percent of the partners that we as QBS Group oversee do an effective job of bundling and adding additional value. The remaining 80 percent use CSP as a transactional system only. By doing so, they miss the opportunity to add value and leave money on the table. Maybe even worse – they open the door of their customer base for other partners.

What are the recent changes regarding the CSP Direct status?

The biggest change in my opinion is that Microsoft finally decided to start enforcing the known rules for CSP Direct. In the recent past, many partners have chosen the Direct option because of the higher margins and had little “burden” of this enforcement. But that is really changing now.

These are the requirements for CSP Direct that Microsoft will enforce:

  • Delivering support to end-customers, supported by mandatory support contracts that partners must close with Microsoft. The minimum costs for these contracts are $ 15K per year ($ 10K for partners in emerging countries). Premier support contracts start at $ 100K per year.
  • Automation for the links to the Microsoft MS systems. So far it waspossible to do this based on Excel. However, that is not allowed anymore. CSP Direct partners must have a ‘real’ system that connects with the Microsoft systems.
  • Provide at least one managed service, IP service, or customer solution application.

CSP Direct partners are expected to demonstrate and prove that they offer at least one of these three categories.

  • Have the infrastructure in place to manage customer billing

Microsoft expects CSP Direct partners to have a billing and provisioning infrastructure in place to manage their cloud customers and scale.

According to Microsoft, ‘these new requirements strengthen our business and technical relationship with partners who provide their customers with cloud products, support and direct billing’. The new requirements will take effect August 31st, 2018.

So what does this all mean for Microsoft Dynamics partners?

I’d like to answer this question for three different groups of partners. First the partners that have selected the CSP Indirect option. For them, nothing changes at this moment. The second group are the CSP Direct partners. They will experience many changes! They have already made several investments and are now confronted with a dilemma: either change to the Indirect option and disinvest? Or making the additional investments. But how big is that investment?

In addition, these are not the latest changes since Microsoft claims that the model is not finished yet. Products are continually being added and Microsoft continues to optimize the rules. This means that this additional partner investment is certainly not the last one.

The third and last group are those Dynamics partners that have not made any decision yet. For them it’s important to know that Microsoft has decided to not accept any new CSP Direct partners until August 1st, 2018. These partners either must wait until that date (but still need to adhere to the new requirements) or select the Indirect option now. For them it’s important to remember that Dynamics 365 Business Central (the SaaS offering) will only be available via CSP.

More generally I expect that Microsoft will continue to raise the bar. For example, by introducing a certain revenue level for CSP Direct. This has been mentioned before but so far not communicated in public. So being accepted and keeping the CSP Direct status will become even more difficult over time.

Where do you see the turning point in CSP revenue for a choice between Direct and Indirect?

So CSP Direct partners are confronted with higher costs. They must take all these additional costs out of their higher margins. Based on the current requirements, I see the turning point in CSP revenue is roughly around Euro 350K. Partners that have a structural revenue below this turning point do well anyway to choose for the indirect option.

In your opinion, what is the Microsoft strategy regarding CSP?

It is crystal clear that Microsoft bets on a larger part of her Dynamics partners landing in the CSP Indirect model. Rumors say that Microsoft strives for 85 percent of all current CSP Direct partners to move to CSP Indirect, simply because that fits their business model. If they do not manage that result with this set of rules, there will undoubtedly be more tightened rules. Microsoft wants to get rid of all the administrative activities.

Any final considerations or advice for Dynamics partners?

The key question that every Microsoft partner’s management team must ask themselves is whether license administration belongs to their core business. Think, for example, about the administration of the cars from your staff. Is that really something you would like to do yourself? And does that help you win more deals? Or do you prefer to outsource that to the lease company? It is a similar story with the licenses, since the need for knowledge will greatly increase due to the move from ‘stand-alone’ Dynamics NAV or Dynamics CRM to the Microsoft stack. The average Microsoft Dynamics partner has about 25 employees. Is it worthwhile to dedicate one of them for this specific CSP task? Knowing that you’re still vulnerable in case of absence due to holidays or sickness. Or departure. Wouldn’t it be much better and more profitable to partner with an Indirect CSP and dedicate that additional employee to your marketing or sales staff?

Need help in getting started with CSP? Read more on the QBS group offer here or contact us directly